The trial of the former AIPAC officials, much like the recent trial of Scooter Libby, will be a show trial. Libby will soon be sentenced for making inconsistent statements to a grand jury and Justice Department investigators over the Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame affair. But the backdrop for over three years in this case was really a media war over the Iraq war, and the roles played by Vice President Cheney, his aide Libby, various other Bush administration officials (Karl Rove) and the Washington political journalism community, in this media war.Read the whole thing. [Hat Tip: Larwyn]
In the same fashion, the trial of the two former AIPAC officials, will put the pro-Israel lobbying group on trial, despite the distancing that has occurred between the organization and its former employees since the investigation became public back in 2004. The trial will be grist for those who want AIPAC to be classified as a foreign lobby rather than as an American group lobbying for maintaining close ties between Israel and America, much as other groups of Americans lobby for close ties between America and the Arab states, or America and Muslim nations, or American and Ireland or America and India.
Technorati Tag: Israel and AIPAC and Scooter Libby.

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