The talks are aimed at reaching a series of understandings with Israel, including an Israeli commitment to stop hunting down wanted Palestinian suspects, mainly Fatah and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades members, to refrain from sending IDF forces into West bank cities, as well as arresting activists, except for those defined as "ticking bombs."That second paragraph is odd.
The Palestinian security forces in Gaza on their part would commit to act against anyone involved in preparing suicide bombings, as well activists suspected of having ties with Hizbullah or Hamas' military wing. Furthermore, Abbas' forces would pledge to operate against Hamas' special security force, which is expected to try and takeover the West bank as well.
o Just how many of Abbas' men are there still in Gaza?Would Israel enter into such a one-sided agreement with terrorists who have yet to change their charter that advocates the destruction of Israel?
o Since they were not effective before, how could they possibly fulfill their commitments now?
o Regardless of numbers, how can Abbas be relied on to stop Hamas from taking over in the West Bank...Oh, that's right: Israel will be expected to allow arms to be delivered while releasing taxes collected.
According to PA sources, Jaber and the Israeli officials have already agreed in principle on the issues.Just thought I'd ask.
Technorati Tag: Israel and Gaza and West Bank and Abbas.

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