Remember--these men can safely be released because none of them have "blood on their hands"
What do you think?
ID | Date arrested | Scheduled release date | Main charges |
410889364 | 2.7.2002 | 1.7.2008 | " conspiring to intentionally cause death, rock throwing" |
411322233 | 28.8.2006 | 27.3.2008 | " crimes against public order, gun trafficking without a license, throwing Molotov cocktails, membership in and provision of services to illegal organization" |
850015686 | 10.4.2006 | 9.2.2008 | " throwing Molotov cocktails, membership in illegal organization, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material" |
850025420 | 18.4.2006 | 17.10.2008 | " membership in illegal organization placement of explosive device with intent to cause death, illegal military training, illegally bearing arms" |
850274440 | 30.11.2006 | 29.2.2008 | Membership in and provision of services to illegal organization |
850393109 | 12.9.2005 | 11.3.2009 | " membership in illegal organization, illegally placing explosive material or fluid, providing refuge" |
850407974 | 27.2.2006 | 26.4.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, illegally placing explosive material or fluid" |
850450032 | 3.8.2005 | 2.2.2008 | " possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, illegally transferring explosive material to another person, illegally placing explosive material or fluid" |
850463464 | 17.1.2006 | 16.7.2008 | " membership in illegal organization, rock throwing" |
850467846 | 2.2.2005 | 1.2.2008 | " shooting at people, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, illegally placing explosive material or fluid" |
850509720 | 28.3.2004 | 27.3.2008 | " providing services to an illegal organization, rock throwing, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material" |
850650839 | 16.3.2006 | 15.3.2008 | " rock throwing, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, providing services to an illegal organization" |
850979527 | 13.7.2006 | 12.6.2008 | " gun trafficking without a license, conspiring to carry out a crime" |
850708074 | 14.9.2005 | 13.3.2008 | " endangering people by placing something on a roadway placement of explosive device with intent to cause death, shooting at people" |
850729609 | 11.9.2006 | 10.5.2008 | " crimes against public order, gun trafficking without a license, helping people wanted by the authorities" |
850753146 | 7.7.2004 | 6.3.2011 | " membership in illegal organization, shooting at people, attempting to cause death" |
850861162 | 26.1.2005 | 25.10.2008 | " membership and activities in an illegal organization, throwing pipe bomb, placing bomb" |
850880295 | 9.5.2006 | 8.3.2008 | membership in illegal organization |
851403998 | 5.7.2005 | 4.1.2009 | " membership in illegal organization, attempting to cause death, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material" |
852969054 | 28.8.2006 | 27.6.2008 | " possessing weapon without a license,membership in illegal organization, rock throwing, gun trafficking without a license, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material" |
901048900 | 8.4.2002 | 7.4.2008 | " attempting to cause death, rock throwing" |
900359498 | 22.10.2005 | 21.2.2009 | " membership in illegal organization, providing refuge" |
900546342 | 14.2.2006 | 13.2.2010 | " shooting at people, membership in illegal organization, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material" |
901737080 | 26.9.2004 | 25.6.2008 | " attempt to cause death, membership in illegal organization" |
901078980 | 31.12.2003 | 30.6.2008 | " placing bomb, membership in unrecognized organization" |
901184739 | 3.2.2006 | 2.5.2008 | " membership in and provision of services to illegal organization, gun trafficking without a license" |
901524363 | 6.11.2004 | 5.11.2009 | " membership in illegal organization, shooting at people, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, attempting to cause death" |
901558924 | 6.5.2003 | 5.5.2010 | " attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization" |
902920560 | 10.6.2002 | 9.6.2010 | placing bomb |
904637998 | 8.4.2002 | 7.10.2009 | " attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit" |
904585551 | 20.7.2004 | 19.4.2008 | " shooting at people, gun trafficking without a license, conspiring to carry out a crime" |
904632072 | 22.4.2004 | 21.4.2008 | "placing bomb, membership in unrecognized organization" |
905637609 | 13.12.2003 | 12.10.2009 | aiding in the transfer of war equipment |
905638144 | 22.9.2003 | 21.3.2010 | " conspiring to intentionally cause death, membership in banned organization, trading in destructive material, aiding a criminal" |
905162236 | 19.5.2004 | 18.11.2009 | " shooting at people, throwing explosive items,aiding a criminal" |
905169629 | 4.11.2005 | 3.11.2009 | " membership in illegal organization, shooting at people" |
905490587 | 19.6.2005 | 18.6.2008 | " trading in war equipment, damaging the security of the area" |
905551461 | 18.6.2004 | 17.12.2009 | " membership in a banned organization, providing services to a banned organization, shooting at people, trading in destructive material forgery of official document" |
905645271 | 13.4.2006 | 12.4.2008 | " shooting at people, conspiring to carry out a crime, membership in a group, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material" |
906157631 | 8.5.2006 | 7.2.2010 | " membership in illegal organization, illegally placing explosive material or fluid" |
906212923 | 30.6.2004 | 29.6.2008 | " rock throwing, membership in unrecognized organization, shooting at people" |
906289343 | 9.7.2004 | 8.7.2009 | " shooting at people, gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization" |
906552385 | 9.5.2004 | 8.11.2009 | " activity in terror organization, membership in illegal organization, attempting to cause death" |
906423389 | 4.2.2004 | 3.8.2008 | conspiring to intentionally cause death |
906716907 | 25.6.2003 | 24.2.2008 | " shooting at people, membership in unrecognized organization" |
907187769 | 17.7.2004 | 16.1.2009 | " membership in illegal organization, illegally placing explosive material or fluid, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material" |
907408413 | 21.4.2006 | 20.4.2008 | " conspiring to intentionally cause death, providing services to an illegal organization" |
907484034 | 15.8.2003 | 14.2.2008 | " conspiring to intentionally cause death, membership in unrecognized organization, rock throwing" |
907551345 | 18.6.2004 | 17.3.2008 | " shooting at people, membership in and provision of service to an illegal organization" |
907907448 | 22.9.2003 | 21.3.2010 | " membership in illegal organization, attempting to cause death, shooting at people" |
907934988 | 4.2.2006 | 3.5.2008 | " membership in illegal organization, gun trafficking without a license, providing refuge" |
907946859 | 18.5.2002 | 17.5.2009 | " ?gun trafficking without a license bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, Trafficking in stolen cars or car parts" |
907982805 | 31.1.2005 | 30.1.2010 | " placing bomb, rock throwing, membership in an unrecognized organization, shooting at people" |
907985063 | 13.8.2005 | 12.10.2008 | " helping people wanted by the authorities, gun trafficking without a license, military training without a permit" |
909849077 | 13.7.2005 | 12.3.2008 | membership in illegal organization |
907999171 | 11.11.2003 | 10.7.2009 | placing bomb |
908108533 | 3.6.2005 | 2.4.2008 | trading in war equipment |
908126972 | 20.12.2005 | 19.2.2008 | " providing services to an illegal organization, illegally placing explosive material or fluid" |
909856155 | 18.9.2005 | 17.3.2008 | " Gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, possessing weapon without a license, rock throwing, possession of an implement or object that can cause death" |
910635960 | 23.6.2005 | 22.6.2010 | " membership in illegal organization, firearms possession" |
910687060 | 2.8.2003 | 1.8.2008 | "shooting at people, rock throwing, membership in" |
unrecognized organization | |||
911069375 | 25.2.2004 | 24.8.2008 | "intentional attempt to cause death, military training without a permit, membership in illegal organization" |
911610707 | 5.6.2004 | 4.6.2008 | "shooting at people, gun trafficking without a license" |
911616217 | 19.9.2005 | 18.3.2009 | "membership in illegal organization bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, robbery" |
911670107 | 19.4.2004 | 18.4.2008 | "placing bomb, weapons possession ammunition or explosive material, membership in an unrecognized organization" |
911671287 | 20.10.2004 | 19.2.2008 | shooting at people |
911752202 | 20.1.2006 | 19.4.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, illegally placing explosive material or fluid" |
913207643 | 27.7.2004 | 26.1.2011 | "attempt to cause death, membership in illegal organization,illegally placing explosive material or fluid" |
913992053 | 6.7.2004 | 5.7.2008 | "Aiding shooting at people, membership in illegal organization" |
914438387 | 29.9.2004 | 28.3.2008 | "shooting at people, membership in unrecognized organization" |
914451513 | 26.9.2003 | 25.12.2009 | shooting at people |
914498845 | 27.5.2004 | 26.5.2008 | placement of destructive material with the intent to cause death |
914507579 | 25.4.2004 | 24.4.2008 | membership in an provision of services to an illegal organization |
914592977 | 11.9.2006 | 10.5.2008 | "rock throwing,conspiring to carry out a crime" |
914851191 | 9.5.2006 | 8.9.2009 | "conspiring for shooting, membership in illegal organization, kidnapping trade in war equipment" |
914854856 | 10.10.2003 | 9.8.2009 | "placing bomb, membership in illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime" |
914857271 | 13.2.2003 | 12.6.2011 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, membership in an unrecognized organization" |
916517162 | 19.11.2005 | 18.3.2008 | "helping people wanted by the authorities, providing refuge, gun trafficking without a license, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material" |
916627441 | 20.6.2006 | 19.6.2008 | gun trafficking without a license |
916741168 | 25.5.2004 | 24.5.2008 | "shooting at people, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material, military training without a permit" |
920276441 | 17.8.2004 | 16.5.2009 | "shooting at people, firearms possession, membership in an unrecognized organization" |
921501391 | 21.2.2006 | 20.6.2008 | "membership in and provision of services to illegal organization, gun trafficking without a license" |
921503249 | 24.2.2005 | 23.4.2008 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, shooting at people, military training without a permit, membership in illegal organization" |
921604237 | 20.7.2004 | 19.4.2008 | shooting at people |
921655569 | 22.11.2002 | 21.5.2008 | "endangering people on a road by shooting throwing, attempting to cause death placement of explosive device with intent to cause death" |
922376033 | 21.11.2003 | 20.7.2010 | "shooting at people, throwing Molotov cocktails, membership in unrecognized organization" |
921743571 | 21.10.2003 | 20.4.2011 | shooting at people |
926730813 | 30.3.2005 | 29.11.2009 | "Gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization, illegally entering Israel" |
930184288 | 20.3.2006 | 19.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, kidnapping, possessing weapon without a license" |
936671130 | 8.8.2006 | 7.2.2008 | "gun trafficking without a license, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, crimes against public order, endangering security of the state, membership in illegal organization" |
937294718 | 17.4.2006 | 16.10.2008 | "membership and activities in illegal organization, possession and carrying of destructive material " |
937438570 | 27.2.2005 | 26.2.2008 | "illegally placing explosive material or fluid, membership in illegal organization placement of explosive device with intent to cause death" |
938024411 | 18.12.2004 | 17.6.2008 | "attempt at shooting at people, possession of destructive material, membership in illegal organization" |
938409273 | 20.6.2002 | 19.6.2009 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, military training without a permit, membership in illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime, carrying weapons or explosive material without a permit" |
938497062 | 18.8.2006 | 17.2.2008 | membership in illegal organization |
939078028 | 10.9.2003 | 9.3.2010 | "shooting at people, possession of an implement or object that can cause death, membership in illegal organization" |
939913190 | 11.9.2001 | 10.9.2009 | placing bomb |
940214018 | 22.2.2006 | 21.4.2008 | "gun trafficking without a license, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, crimes against public order" |
940849250 | 9.1.2004 | 8.3.2008 | shooting at people |
941265522 | 14.8.2005 | 13.3.2008 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material" |
943666370 | 31.3.2004 | 29.2.2008 | "membership in an unrecognized organization, carrying out services, damaging the security of the area" |
944814227 | 21.9.2004 | 20.3.2010 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, possession of an implement or object that can cause death, rock throwing" |
944839836 | 6.3.2004 | 5.5.2008 | "membership and activities in an illegal organization trade in war equipment, construction of incendiary object, throwing explosive" |
946090313 | 3.1.2006 | 2.3.2008 | "membership and activities in illegal organization, conspiring for shooting at people" |
946594884 | 16.6.2004 | 15.3.2008 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, rock throwing" |
946115573 | 9.5.2005 | 8.5.2008 | "holding a position in an illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, helping people wanted by the authorities, conspiring to intentionally cause death, shooting at people, membership in illegal organization" |
946378221 | 28.5.2004 | 27.5.2008 | "illegally placing explosive material or fluid, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material" |
946454030 | 12.6.2006 | 11.2.2008 | membership in illegal organization |
946461795 | 17.8.2005 | 16.5.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material" |
947601043 | 17.12.2003 | 16.2.2008 | "membership in unrecognized organization, shooting at people" |
948183785 | 7.9.2004 | 6.9.2009 | "attempting to cause death, military training without a permit, providing refuge" |
948503305 | 23.5.2006 | 22.5.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, endangering security of the state, rock throwing, shooting at people" |
949988240 | 3.11.2006 | 2.8.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, weapons production ammunition or explosive material placement of explosive device with intent to cause death" |
949996540 | 2.12.2005 | 1.6.2008 | shooting at people |
950347112 | 10.9.2004 | 9.9.2009 | "rock throwing, placing bomb" |
950430231 | 10.1.2007 | 9.7.2009 | manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material |
954294138 | 11.1.2002 | 10.1.2012 | "shooting at people bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, gun trafficking without a license" |
962879607 | 9.11.2001 | 8.5.2008 | placing bomb |
972736714 | 9.7.2004 | 8.3.2009 | "shooting at people, gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization" |
977128214 | 17.1.2006 | 16.10.2009 | "shooting at people, conspiring to carry out a crime, membership in illegal organization" |
983446279 | 9.2.2004 | 8.2.2008 | "firearms possession, shooting at people, membership in illegal organization" |
985040153 | 24.11.2000 | 23.11.2012 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, membership in unrecognized organization, weapons possession military training" |
992412999 | 12.2.2004 | 11.2.2010 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, membership in unrecognized organization" |
999605843 | 25.7.2004 | 24.4.2008 | "manufacturing bomb, throwing bomb or incendiary" |
411729734 | 27.12.2004 | 26.6.2008 | "placing bomb, membership in unrecognized organization" |
850041195 | 1.12.2005 | 31.3.2008 | "membership in and provision of services to illegal organization, throwing Molotov cocktails" |
850302316 | 12.10.2006 | 11.7.2008 | throwing Molotov cocktails membership and holding a position in an illegal organization |
850448887 | 8.1.2005 | 7.3.2008 | "attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization, helping people wanted by the authorities" |
850511015 | 11.12.2005 | 10.6.2008 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, membership in illegal organization, attempting to cause death" |
850742586 | 5.5.2004 | 4.11.2010 | "throwing Molotov cocktails, shooting at people, membership in unrecognized organization" |
850768052 | 25.3.2006 | 24.4.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, military training without a permit" |
850932401 | 18.11.2004 | 17.10.2008 | "attempting to cause death, attack, membership in illegal organization" |
851517722 | 5.3.2006 | 4.7.2008 | "throwing Molotov cocktails, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material, providing services to an illegal organization" |
851812768 | 25.2.2005 | 24.2.2008 | "rock throwing, throwing Molotov cocktails, illegally transferring explosive material to another person, possession of an implement or object that can cause death" |
900835307 | 7.11.2006 | 6.2.2008 | "membership in a terrorist organization, providing information to the enemy" |
901082677 | 26.1.2001 | 25.7.2009 | "membership in unrecognized organization,placing bomb,attacking a public worker on duty" |
901796466 | 11.4.2005 | 10.10.2010 | "membership in illegal organization providing services to an illegal organization, shooting at people placement of explosive device with intent to cause death, helping people wanted by the authorities, attempting to cause death" |
902067032 | 7.1.2002 | 6.1.2012 | "membership in illegal organization, conspiring for shooting, intentional attempt to cause death" |
903908739 | 9.4.2002 | 8.4.2010 | "shooting at people, membership in unrecognized organization" |
905566915 | 3.12.2004 | 2.2.2008 | "membership in unrecognized organization, shooting at people" |
906843446 | 8.6.2004 | 7.6.2008 | "placement of destructive material with the intent to cause death, shooting at people, gun trafficking without a license" |
907303622 | 2.1.2002 | 1.4.2008 | "throwing bomb or incendiary military training, membership in unrecognized organization " |
907729313 | 8.8.2002 | 7.8.2009 | "military training without a permit, manufacturing an explosive or incendiary object, membership in unrecognized organization, placing bomb" |
907906325 | 29.12.2000 | 28.12.2008 | "placing bomb, carrying out services, membership in unrecognized organization" |
907989719 | 25.7.2003 | 24.7.2010 | "shooting at people, membership in unrecognized organization" |
911551653 | 6.12.2006 | 5.10.2008 | "throwing Molotov cocktails, membership in illegal organization" |
913737847 | 4.11.2005 | 3.7.2009 | " membership in illegal organization, conspiring for shooting at people" |
914592563 | 27.2.2006 | 26.2.2008 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, shooting at people" |
916631658 | 20.5.2003 | 19.5.2008 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization" |
916741473 | 6.3.2004 | 5.9.2009 | "conspiring for shooting placing bomb military training, throwing a grenade, membership in unrecognized organization" |
919165845 | 24.11.2003 | 23.3.2008 | "possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, association with a terrorist organization, activity in terror organization" |
928071505 | 18.5.2003 | 17.11.2010 | "membership in unrecognized organization, conspiring to intentionally cause death, rock throwing" |
936535699 | 24.6.2005 | 23.2.2008 | illegally placing explosive material or fluid |
943103853 | 3.9.2004 | 2.6.2008 | "attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization" |
948848379 | 28.5.2005 | 27.5.2008 | "illegally placing explosive material or fluid, membership in illegal organization, possessing weapon without a license" |
948354352 | 5.12.2005 | 4.2.2008 | "rock throwing, illegal possession and dealing with firearms, throwing Molotov cocktails" |
948400692 | 4.11.2005 | 3.11.2009 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, attempting to cause death bearingweapons or explosive material without a permit, conspiring to carry out a crime" |
975602293 | 13.1.2003 | 12.1.2010 | "membership in banned organization, intentional attempt to cause death" |
991862624 | 2.7.2002 | 1.7.2010 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, membership in unrecognized organization" |
404789497 | 3.11.2005 | 2.2.2008 | shooting at people |
410468052 | 9.4.2002 | 8.4.2011 | shooting at people |
800122434 | 1.4.2001 | 31.3.2011 | "attempting to cause death, shooting at people, not preventing a crime" |
850602079 | 16.1.2006 | 15.11.2008 | "endangering security of the state, membership in illegal organization, rock throwing, ?gun trafficking without a license" |
850766999 | 21.10.2005 | 20.10.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit, shooting at Israeli car, rock throwing, shooting at people" |
852495431 | 29.3.2007 | 28.2.2008 | "manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material, membership in illegal organization, throwing Molotov cocktails" |
852733880 | 9.3.2006 | 8.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material, providing refuge" |
853086106 | 7.3.2006 | 6.9.2008 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, illegally entering Israel, possessing a knife for an improper purpose" |
900731423 | 3.4.2002 | 2.4.2008 | "shooting at people, rock throwing" |
901045906 | 7.5.2002 | 6.11.2009 | "membership in unrecognized organization, shooting at people" |
901749937 | 20.6.2002 | 19.12.2009 | "membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit, gun trafficking without a license, shooting at people, arms possession" |
901139329 | 2.5.2005 | 1.8.2009 | "illegal possession and dealing with firearms, gun trafficking without a license" |
901236885 | 23.5.2001 | 22.11.2009 | "manufacturing bomb, throwing Molotov cocktails, membership in unrecognized organization" |
903629079 | 19.8.2002 | 18.2.2010 | conspiring to carry out a crime |
904089968 | 19.4.2002 | 18.4.2009 | "membership in unrecognized organization, shooting at people" |
904389673 | 1.10.2005 | 31.5.2008 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization" |
905145363 | 6.12.2000 | 5.12.2009 | "placing bomb, burning tires, shooting at people, crimes against public order" |
905378378 | 25.8.2003 | 24.11.2009 | shooting at people |
906139233 | 29.6.2006 | 28.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, conspiracy and attempt to kidnap, providing services to an illegal organization" |
906183108 | 11.9.2005 | 10.3.2009 | "membership in illegal organization bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, shooting at people" |
906297627 | 27.2.2006 | 26.2.2009 | "possession of an implement or object that can cause death, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, conspiring to carry out a crime, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material, attempting to cause death" |
906736004 | 23.11.2004 | 22.5.2010 | attempting to cause death |
906752530 | 25.8.2003 | 24.2.2010 | "shooting at people, membership in illegal organization" |
907104574 | 3.6.2004 | 2.6.2009 | shooting at people |
907228407 | 26.12.2002 | 25.6.2008 | "membership in unrecognized organization, throwing bomb or incendiary" |
907338107 | 1.2.2004 | 31.3.2008 | intentional attempt to cause death trade in war equipment |
907406961 | 13.12.2004 | 12.3.2008 | "violation of restriction on firearms trade, conspiring to carry out a crime bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit" |
907507024 | 3.9.2001 | 2.3.2010 | "shooting at people, rock throwing military training, throwing Molotov cocktails" |
911770824 | 15.9.2003 | 14.2.2009 | "shooting at people, rock throwing, providing refuge" |
911521342 | 15.9.2005 | 14.3.2008 | providing services to an illegal organization |
911523421 | 25.9.2006 | 24.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing refuge, propaganda that disturbs the public peace" |
911541787 | 15.7.1999 | 14.7.2009 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, conspiring to carry out a crime" |
911709418 | 19.10.2005 | 18.4.2008 | shooting at people placement of explosive device with intent to cause death |
921717229 | 6.11.2003 | 5.6.2010 | "shooting at people, interfering with policeman, membership in illegal organization" |
921741070 | 6.3.2004 | 5.3.2010 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, shooting at people" |
924843386 | 24.8.2004 | 23.12.2008 | "intentional attempt to cause death, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, membership in illegal organization" |
926661984 | 21.11.2002 | 20.11.2010 | "shooting at people, membership in unrecognized organization" |
936118769 | 13.10.2006 | 12.5.2008 | "carrying weapon or explosive material without a license, gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization" |
937430395 | 20.6.2001 | 19.12.2008 | "shooting at people, rock throwing" |
937720878 | 29.10.2004 | 28.2.2008 | "shooting at people, membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit" |
938107604 | 19.2.2004 | 18.2.2011 | "carrying weapon or destructive material, conspiring to intentionally cause death" |
940096829 | 17.6.2001 | 16.6.2009 | "damaging the security of the area,conspiring to intentionally cause death, shooting at people" |
941264459 | 11.5.2004 | 10.2.2008 | "gun trafficking without a license aiding in the commitment of a crime, shooting at people bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit" |
941453276 | 3.6.2006 | 2.10.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material" |
944400910 | 3.10.2004 | 2.12.2008 | "shooting at people, rock throwing, gun trafficking without a license" |
946116613 | 14.11.2002 | 13.4.2008 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death,placing bomb, membership in unrecognized organization" |
948908520 | 15.4.2002 | 14.4.2008 | "membership in unrecognized organization,placing bomb,driving a car without a driver's license" |
948972401 | 9.6.2004 | 8.6.2010 | "attempting to cause death, shooting at Israeli car placement of explosive device with intent to cause death" |
950580423 | 18.9.2005 | 17.6.2009 | "military training without a permit, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material, arms possession without a license" |
951024710 | 10.4.2002 | 9.4.2009 | "trading in war equipment, conspiring to carry out an attack, construction of explosive object military training, membership and activities in an illegal organization" |
974495160 | 3.5.2004 | 2.6.2008 | "membership in unrecognized organization, shooting at people" |
978066942 | 6.3.2003 | 5.3.2008 | "attempting to cause death, gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization" |
998841233 | 26.3.2001 | 25.9.2012 | "intentional attempt to cause death, throwing Molotov cocktails" |
999459720 | 3.12.2005 | 2.4.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit" |
986271252 | 22.9.2006 | 21.10.2008 | "gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization" |
988437646 | 15.6.2006 | 14.10.2008 | "providing refuge, military training without a permit, shooting at people" |
943582403 | 31.1.2007 | 29.2.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization" |
911506038 | 24.6.2006 | 23.12.2008 | crimes against public order |
905794244 | 8.11.2006 | 7.5.2008 | "?gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization" |
901578096 | 25.8.2006 | 24.6.2008 | "bearing weapon or explosives without a permit, shooting at people, membership in illegal organization" |
901086785 | 9.8.2006 | 8.12.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, gun trafficking without a license, providing refuge" |
960156792 | 17.1.2007 | 16.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, possession of an implement or object that can cause death, helping people wanted by the authorities, possessing firearms ammunition or destructive material, illegally entering Israel, car theft, interfering with a policeman carrying out his duties" |
904453354 | 15.2.2007 | 14.8.2008 | membership in illegal organization |
850137126 | 1.3.2007 | 29.2.2008 | "crimes against public order, membership in illegal organization, rock throwing, providing services to an illegal organization" |
910456961 | 11.5.2006 | 10.5.2008 | "purchase or sale of weapon without a license, rock throwing, membership in illegal organization, illegally carrying explosives" |
903941110 | 11.5.2006 | 10.5.2008 | membership in illegal organization possession of weapon ammunition or destructive material |
910694090 | 14.3.2006 | 13.2.2009 | "shooting at people, membership in illegal organization, gun trafficking without a license" |
991652280 | 3.7.2006 | 2.11.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, crimes against public order, providing services to an illegal organization, illegally transferring explosive material to another person" |
410232110 | 8.8.2006 | 7.8.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, carrying weapon or explosive material without a license, gun trafficking without a license, providing refuge" |
947917084 | 30.4.2007 | 29.5.2008 | membership in illegal organization |
936675727 | 13.3.2007 | 12.7.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, helping people wanted by the authorities" |
914508700 | 7.3.2007 | 6.6.2008 | "bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, membership in illegal organization" |
950346882 | 20.11.2006 | 19.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, ?gun trafficking without a license" |
937437747 | 2.2.2007 | 1.8.2008 | membership in illegal organization |
938028792 | 6.1.2007 | 5.5.2008 | "gun trafficking without a license, membership in illegal organization" |
950233882 | 1.1.2007 | 31.3.2008 | "illegally placing explosive material or fluid, possession of an implement or object that can cause death, crimes against public order" |
850564923 | 13.11.2006 | 12.7.2008 | "crimes against public order, membership in illegal organization, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, throwing Molotov cocktails" |
905168563 | 30.1.2007 | 29.6.2008 | membership in illegal organization |
904271632 | 14.9.2006 | 13.10.2008 | "endangering security of the state, providing refuge bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, trading in firearms without a license" |
938497203 | 18.7.2006 | 17.3.2008 | Illegally placing explosive material or fluid. |
908040017 | 26.1.2007 | 25.4.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, crimes against public order, acquisition of security information." |
853272334 | 31.1.2007 | 30.7.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, crimes against public order." |
852000520 | 18.9.2006 | 17.3.2008 | conspiring to carry out a crime. |
910567254 | 7.11.2006 | 6.5.2008 | manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material. |
910565696 | 19.5.2006 | 18.11.2008 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, possession of an implement or object that can cause death, holding a position in an illegal organization, weapons production, ammunition or explosive material, military training without a permit, illegally placing explosive material or fluid." |
850133927 | 15.9.2006 | 14.5.2008 | "possession of an implement or object that can cause death, bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, weapons production, ammunition or explosive material." |
850136607 | 16.4.2006 | 15.8.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, trade in firearms without a license, helping people wanted by the authorities, attempting to cause death." |
909856064 | 2.4.2007 | 1.3.2008 | "rock throwing, throwing Molotov cocktails, membership in illegal organization." |
946380953 | 2.7.2006 | 1.11.2008 | "attempting to cause death, helping people wanted by the authorities, membership in illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime." |
941138778 | 28.4.2006 | 27.4.2008 | "bearing weapon or explosives without a permit, membership in illegal organization, providing refuge, illegally transferring explosive material to another person, providing services to an illegal organization." |
851762195 | 7.1.2007 | 6.7.2009 | "illegally placing explosive material or fluid bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, membership in illegal organization." |
850484122 | 10.4.2006 | 9.4.2008 | illegally transferring explosive material to another person. |
938499175 | 17.7.2006 | 16.11.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, illegally transferring explosive material to another person." |
850390725 | 8.10.2006 | 7.3.2008 | "weapons production, ammunition or explosive material." |
851954172 | 15.3.2007 | 14.6.2008 | "placement of destructive material with the intent to cause death, rock throwing, illegally transferring explosive material to another person, throwing Molotov cocktails, membership in illegal organization." |
853072346 | 5.3.2007 | 4.7.2008 | "rock throwing, membership in illegal organization." |
852323666 | 10.6.2007 | 9.4.2008 | conspiring to carry out a crime. |
924632052 | 8.5.2006 | 7.1.2009 | "shooting at people, trading in firearms without a license" |
902907690 | 21.2.2007 | 20.5.2008 | "trade in firearms without a license, shooting at people, providing refuge." |
952906972 | 26.12.2006 | 25.7.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, holding a position in an illegal organization." |
410024137 | 30.11.2006 | 29.7.2008 | "trade in firearms without a license, conspiring to carry out a crime, membership in illegal organization, possession of weapon, ammunition or destructive material." |
906904271 | 16.2.2007 | 15.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, shooting at people bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit." |
911068997 | 8.5.2007 | 7.3.2008 | "violation of restriction on firearms trade, military training without a permit, providing refuge." |
989374657 | 9.9.2005 | 8.7.2008 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization." |
918278540 | 15.5.2006 | 14.3.2008 | "illegally transferring explosive material to another person, attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization." |
916253180 | 10.3.2006 | 9.3.2008 | "shooting at people, conspiring to intentionally cause death." |
936500701 | 30.5.2006 | 29.6.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, conspiracy to cause damage." |
998384614 | 1.3.2002 | 31.7.2009 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, illegally entering Israel, illegally possessing a knife and impersonating another person." |
914124128 | 20.12.2006 | 19.7.2008 | "conspiracy to cause damage bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, rock throwing." |
410811889 | 17.8.2006 | 16.6.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, shooting at people, possession of weapon, ammunition or destructive material." |
907963961 | 15.5.2006 | 14.3.2008 | "illegally transferring explosive material to another person, trade in firearms without a license, attempting to cause death placement of explosive device with intent to cause death." |
911606853 | 11.9.2006 | 10.10.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing refuge, trading in firearms without a license" |
907050934 | 15.3.2007 | 14.7.2008 | membership in illegal organization. |
907895668 | 9.2.2006 | 8.8.2008 | placement of destructive material with the intent to cause death. |
944570977 | 20.7.2006 | 19.11.2008 | "trade in firearms without a license, membership in illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime." |
902580885 | 23.7.2006 | 22.9.2008 | "military training without a permit, membership in illegal organization, attempt to intentionally cause death placement of explosive device with intent to cause death bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit." |
906282363 | 5.9.2006 | 4.8.2008 | "illegal possession and dealing with firearms, membership in an illegal organization providing services to an illegal organization." |
910623677 | 27.6.2006 | 26.6.2008 | shooting at people. |
936501832 | 6.12.2006 | 5.3.2008 | "attack causing real damage, membership in an illegal organization." |
921502464 | 30.4.2006 | 29.10.2008 | "membership in an illegal organization providing services to an illegal organization, rock throwing." |
944568716 | 16.3.2007 | 15.5.2008 | "bearing weapon or explosives without a permit, rock throwing membership in illegal organization." |
921717658 | 28.8.2006 | 27.4.2008 | "shooting at people bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, trading in firearms without a license" |
910592377 | 13.10.2006 | 12.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit, trading in firearms without a license" |
936503846 | 18.7.2007 | 17.5.2008 | membership in illegal organization bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit. |
949958409 | 6.12.2006 | 5.8.2008 | "throwing Molotov cocktails, providing services to an illegal organization, membership in illegal organization." |
946055381 | 16.1.2007 | 15.4.2008 | "throwing Molotov cocktails, trade in firearms without a license, membership in illegal organization." |
913483541 | 10.3.2007 | 9.4.2008 | "trade in firearms without a license, membership in illegal organization." |
910591700 | 14.3.2006 | 13.5.2008 | placement of destructive material with the intent to cause death. |
850399841 | 15.3.2007 | 14.5.2008 | membership in illegal organization bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit possession of device or object that can cause the death of a person. |
854258514 | 18.2.2006 | 17.5.2008 | "attempting to cause death, possessing a knife for an improper purpose." |
910911098 | 26.3.2007 | 25.6.2008 | throwing bomb or incendiary object. |
411377518 | 12.4.2007 | 11.7.2008 | "possession of an implement or object that can cause death, throwing Molotov cocktails, rock throwing, membership in illegal organization." |
850296633 | 7.7.2006 | 6.8.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, shooting at people, bearing firearms without a license." |
992542142 | 26.12.2006 | 25.3.2008 | "bearing weapon or explosives without a permit, throwing Molotov cocktails." |
852407477 | 5.9.2007 | 4.4.2008 | membership in illegal organization. |
911063097 | 2.2.2006 | 1.6.2008 | "throwing Molotov cocktails, shooting at people." |
999829625 | 26.3.2007 | 25.7.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, holding a position in an illegal organization." |
850676685 | 6.12.2006 | 5.6.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization." |
852621895 | 21.5.2007 | 20.5.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, rock throwing." |
850679531 | 17.4.2007 | 16.4.2008 | "rock throwing, membership in illegal organization." |
910360833 | 7.2.2007 | 6.8.2008 | "possession of an implement or object that can cause death, shooting at people, throwing Molotov cocktails, membership in illegal organization." |
947913091 | 1.6.2006 | 31.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit." |
854041878 | 7.3.2006 | 6.9.2008 | "possessing a knife for an improper purpose, conspiring to carry out a crime, illegally entering Israel." |
851736199 | 5.2.2007 | 4.5.2008 | "rock throwing, throwing Molotov cocktails, possession of an implement or object that can cause death, membership in illegal organization." |
948355961 | 13.7.2006 | 12.6.2008 | conspiring to carry out a crime. |
946926391 | 21.11.2006 | 20.3.2008 | "trade in firearms without a license, weapons production, ammunition or explosive material." |
950349498 | 13.12.2006 | 12.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization," |
950006510 | 13.12.2006 | 12.3.2008 | membership in illegal organization. |
852109925 | 25.1.2007 | 24.7.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, throwing Molotov cocktails, rock throwing." |
852110360 | 22.2.2007 | 21.4.2008 | "throwing Molotov cocktails, rock throwing, possession of an implement or object that can cause death." |
850677543 | 14.6.2007 | 13.6.2008 | "rock throwing, membership in illegal organization." |
411217169 | 28.5.2007 | 27.6.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, throwing Molotov cocktails." |
903166882 | 9.5.2004 | 8.5.2008 | damaging security of the area. |
800707317 | 18.8.2004 | 17.4.2009 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, trade in firearms without a license, illegally entering Israel." |
900735093 | 22.6.2004 | 21.3.2008 | "shooting at people possession of weapon ammunition or destructive material, membership in illegal organization." |
904762036 | 22.1.2003 | 21.6.2008 | membership in illegal organization. |
904644093 | 18.3.2002 | 17.6.2010 | "attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization, rock throwing possession of weapon ammunition or destructive material, trading in firearms without a license" |
901148320 | 3.4.2002 | 2.10.2010 | "attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit." |
911758365 | 18.7.2002 | 17.7.2009 | "membership in illegal organization, attempt to intentionally cause death, placing bomb, possessing a bomb." |
901119818 | 23.4.2002 | 22.4.2012 | "membership in illegal organization, weapons possession, conspiring to intentionally cause death." |
937940690 | 15.9.2005 | 14.8.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime." |
987578804 | 11.6.2002 | 10.12.2008 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, firearms possession, providing refuge." |
964421549 | 15.8.2002 | 14.10.2009 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit." |
941286916 | 27.6.2006 | 26.3.2010 | "shooting at people, membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit." |
943339143 | 12.3.2003 | 11.9.2009 | "weapons possession illegal, attempting to cause death, possessing a knife for an improper purpose, illegally entering Israel, manufacture import and export of weapons without permission." |
946928496 | 24.11.2004 | 23.5.2008 | "bearing weapon or explosives without a permit, conspiring to carry out a crime." |
959770850 | 16.3.2004 | 15.7.2008 | "shooting at people, throwing bomb or incendiary." |
964940332 | 13.6.2002 | 12.6.2008 | "?weapons production, ammunition or explosive material." |
951350495 | 18.3.2003 | 17.5.2008 | "?manufacturing bomb, membership in illegal organization, shooting at people, conspiring to carry out a crime." |
903946978 | 8.5.2002 | 7.8.2008 | "illegal presence, firearms possession, robbery." |
936544717 | 28.6.2003 | 27.6.2008 | weapons possession without a license. |
911629160 | 6.2.2004 | 5.4.2008 | attempting to cause death . |
852575745 | 15.2.2006 | 14.2.2008 | "endangering people on a road by shooting, throwing incendiary material. " |
936286541 | 7.3.2006 | 6.3.2008 | "membership in illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime." |
852170018 | 22.4.2007 | 21.6.2008 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, providing services to an illegal organization, military training without a permit bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit." |
924338866 | 30.10.2001 | 29.10.2015 | "attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime, ?weapons production, ammunition or explosive material, illegally placing explosive material or fluid." |
907987788 | 15.5.2006 | 14.1.2009 | "crimes against public order, providing services to an illegal organization, membership in illegal organization, helping people wanted by the authorities, attempting to cause death, possession of an implement or object that can cause death." |
911628485 | 27.12.2004 | 26.6.2013 | "membership in illegal organization, helping people wanted by the authorities, shooting at people." |
900038597 | 10.2.2004 | 9.10.2015 | "intentionally attempting to cause death, shooting at people, membership in illegal organization." |
907323430 | 8.11.2004 | 7.11.2010 | "attempting to cause death, shooting at people, helping people wanted by the authorities ." |
910567163 | 1.8.2005 | 31.1.2011 | "possession of weapon, ammunition or destructive material. activity in terror organization, membership in illegal organization, shooting at people, weapons production, ammunition or explosive material." |
976795773 | 26.4.2002 | 25.10.2009 | "membership in illegal organization, shooting at people, weapons training, weapons possession, ammunition or explosive material." |
411557119 | 19.9.2004 | 18.9.2012 | membership in illegal organization. |
901542274 | 7.8.1998 | 6.8.2010 | "intentionally attempting to cause death, firearms possession military training, carrying out services for an illegal organization." |
907377105 | 27.11.2002 | 26.11.2009 | "placement of destructive material with the intent to cause death, association with a terrorist organization" |
901163964 | 15.10.2003 | 14.10.2012 | "shooting at people, membership in illegal organization, rock throwing, attempt to intentionally cause death." |
975413188 | 23.1.2002 | 22.7.2014 | "membership in illegal organization, attack ?attempt to intentionally cause death." |
944277581 | 15.4.2002 | 14.2.2013 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit." |
987582608 | 1.10.2001 | 30.6.2013 | attempting to cause death . |
900383977 | 24.5.2001 | 23.5.2015 | "weapons possession, incitement, rock throwing military training without a permit." |
901121582 | 4.6.2001 | 3.6.2015 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death military training without a permit, membership in illegal organization." |
904762242 | 5.3.2005 | 4.7.2008 | "providing refuge, military training without a permit, shooting at people." |
901402818 | 19.6.2003 | 18.2.2010 | "membership in illegal organization, conspiring to intentionally cause death, firearms possession, conspiring to cause damage." |
904102126 | 29.4.2002 | 28.10.2009 | "shooting at people, rock throwing, crimes against public order, membership in illegal organization." |
907064216 | 31.10.2005 | 28.2.2009 | "intentionally attempting to cause death, conspiring to carry out crime, trading in firearms without a license" |
906422043 | 15.11.2002 | 14.11.2013 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization, shooting at people." |
907668685 | 6.2.2004 | 5.8.2012 | "conspiring to carry out a crime, military training without a permit, attempt to intentionally cause death." |
918286204 | 5.6.2002 | 4.6.2014 | "intentionally attempting to cause death military training without a permit, production of explosives or incendiary, throwing Molotov cocktails." |
902909951 | 7.2.2002 | 6.2.2015 | "intentionally attempting to cause death, rock throwing, production of explosives or incendiary, membership in illegal organization." |
918280124 | 12.1.2002 | 11.1.2014 | "attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit." |
911615615 | 4.1.2002 | 3.1.2014 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit." |
912043809 | 17.3.2004 | 16.3.2012 | "intentionally attempting to cause death, rock throwing placement of explosive device with intent to cause death." |
920279288 | 4.8.2005 | 3.5.2009 | "weapons production, ammunition or explosive material, conspiring to carry out a crime, throwing Molotov cocktails." |
949583249 | 26.7.2004 | 25.5.2009 | "rock throwing, weapons production, ammunition or explosive material, membership in illegal organization." |
410643035 | 8.12.2004 | 7.10.2014 | "attempting to illegal cause the death of a person, manufacture of firearms ammunition or explosive material serious spying" |
905751780 | 23.11.2001 | 22.11.2013 | "attempting to cause death, possession of weapon ammunition or destructive material military training without a permit." |
910679414 | 9.1.2004 | 8.1.2015 | "membership in illegal organization, shooting at people, possessing a bomb, placing bomb." |
901154989 | 11.3.2001 | 10.9.2011 | "membership in illegal organization, attempt to intentionally cause death, rock throwing, firearms possession." |
913484432 | 1.1.2004 | 31.3.2010 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization, trading in firearms without a license " |
941468522 | 31.5.2007 | 30.5.2008 | attack |
992900860 | 23.11.2005 | 22.8.2008 | "attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization, trade in firearms without a license, military training without a permit, providing refuge." |
940691447 | 15.5.2003 | 14.5.2011 | "membership in illegal organization, intentionally attempting to cause death placement of explosive device with intent to cause death." |
906412580 | 30.1.2002 | 29.9.2008 | "shooting at people, membership in illegal organization." |
972736144 | 23.11.2001 | 22.5.2012 | "attempting to cause death, intentionally attempting to cause death bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit, trading in firearms without a license" |
904696499 | 15.4.2002 | 14.4.2011 | intentionally attempting to cause death. |
800736258 | 18.8.2004 | 17.8.2011 | "production and throwing of explosive material trade in war equipment, possession of destructive material, membership in illegal organization, ?rock throwing" |
850019597 | 20.9.2004 | 19.9.2011 | "shooting at people placement of explosive device with intent to cause death, attempting to cause death" |
850533431 | 3.4.2006 | 2.10.2012 | "membership in illegal organization, placing bomb." |
850693896 | 1.1.2005 | 31.12.2012 | "attempting to cause death, shooting at people, military training without a permit" |
853079044 | 22.6.2006 | 21.6.2010 | "endangering security of the state, membershipin illegal organization, illegally placing explosive material or fluid, providing refuge, providing services to an illegal organization" |
900010364 | 6.6.2004 | 5.6.2013 | "attempting to cause death, shooting at people" |
901576033 | 3.11.2004 | 2.5.2012 | "membership in illegal organization, possession of weapon, ammunition or destructive material" |
901872895 | 10.6.2004 | 9.12.2013 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, shooting at people, membership in illegal organization " |
903910990 | 19.11.2002 | 18.11.2013 | placing bomb shooting at people |
905631719 | 18.7.2002 | 17.7.2013 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, conspiring to intentionally cause death, placing bomb, firearms possession" |
905082319 | 22.11.2003 | 21.11.2011 | "conspiring to intentionally cause death, firearms possession, shooting at people, membership in illegal organization" |
905613824 | 20.4.2006 | 19.10.2010 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization" |
906154406 | 5.3.2004 | 4.3.2013 | "membership in illegal organization, destructive material violations, shooting at people, placing bomb" |
906856562 | 10.6.2004 | 9.6.2012 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, shooting at people, membership in illegal organization" |
907021067 | 13.5.2004 | 12.5.2012 | "attempting to cause death placement of explosive device with intent to cause death, membership in illegal organization" |
907345821 | 21.1.2002 | 20.1.2014 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, shooting at people, conspiring to intentionally cause death." |
907565824 | 23.3.2003 | 22.3.2013 | "destructive material violations, weapons possession, shooting at people, conspiring to intentionally cause death." |
908082225 | 7.8.2005 | 6.8.2012 | "shooting at people, conspiracy to cause damage, helping people wanted by the authorities ." |
910588441 | 15.10.2005 | 14.10.2011 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, weapons production, ammunition or explosive material, firearms possession." |
911066223 | 20.9.2004 | 19.3.2013 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization." |
911539443 | 28.12.2004 | 27.3.2011 | "shooting at people placement of explosive device with intent to cause death, possession of weapon, ammunition or destructive material." |
911624393 | 11.10.2004 | 10.10.2013 | "membership in outlawed organization, attempt to intentionally cause death." |
921565081 | 11.4.2005 | 10.10.2011 | "membership in outlawed organization, firearm possession without a permit, shooting at people, conspiring to intentionally cause death" |
932196256 | 5.3.2003 | 4.9.2013 | "placing bomb, intentionally attempting to cause death." |
937283422 | 18.8.2003 | 17.8.2014 | "membership in illegal organization, placing bomb." |
941034928 | 3.12.2003 | 2.12.2012 | "membership in illegal organization, attempting to cause death, shooting at people." |
941187015 | 9.1.2003 | 8.1.2014 | "membership in illegal organization, military training without a permit." |
948854906 | 10.5.2005 | 9.5.2012 | "membership in illegal organization, attempt to intentionally cause death, trade in firearms without a license" |
950234914 | 30.7.2003 | 29.7.2012 | "attempting to cause death, weapons possession without a license, membership in illegal organization." |
950348243 | 15.7.2004 | 14.7.2013 | "placement of destructive material with the intent to cause death, illegally placing explosive material or fluid" |
995656790 | 27.11.2002 | 26.11.2012 | "membership in illegal organization, ?weapons production, ammunition or explosive material, helping people wanted by the authorities, weapons possession without a license, possession weapon or destructive material, firearms possession, attempting to cause death, shooting at people placement of explosive device with intent to cause death, attempt to intentionally cause death, providing refuge." |
850817602 | 27.12.2004 | 26.6.2012 | "shooting at people, illegally transferring explosive material to another person, illegally placing explosive material or fluid." |
905604849 | 15.4.2002 | 14.2.2014 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization, trade in firearms without a license" |
911507879 | 15.10.2004 | 14.10.2011 | "membership in banned organization, shooting at people." |
911514917 | 28.5.2005 | 27.5.2013 | "membership in illegal organization, possession of weapon ammunition or destructive material, throwing Molotov cocktails, rock throwing, illegally transferring explosive material to another person" |
937184307 | 23.9.2004 | 22.1.2012 | "membership in outlawed organization, shooting at people." |
941303331 | 28.5.2005 | 27.5.2013 | "membership in illegal organization, conspiring to carry out a crime, rock throwing, attempting to cause death, shooting at people" |
941642613 | 23.9.2004 | 22.9.2011 | "attempting to cause death, membership in illegal organization" |
942780966 | 27.11.2001 | 26.11.2013 | "membership in outlawed organization, attempt to place a device, conspiring for a shooting attack, attempt to intentionally cause death." |
944569714 | 7.11.2002 | 6.5.2012 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, military training without a permit, membership in illegal organization." |
955171731 | 3.6.2002 | 2.6.2014 | "membership in banned organization, shooting at people military training, conspiring to intentionally cause death." |
955390240 | 28.5.2004 | 27.11.2011 | "attempting to cause death, shooting at people, membership in illegal organization." |
411527898 | 2.1.2003 | 1.1.2016 | "shooting at people placement of explosive device with intent to cause death, membership in illegal organization." |
900330283 | 7.10.2003 | 6.4.2015 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, shooting at people, carrying weapons ammunition or destructive material." |
902560846 | 28.2.2005 | 27.8.2014 | "membership in illegal organization, providing services to an illegal organization, illegal possession and dealing with firearms, attempting to cause death ." |
905645784 | 9.4.2002 | 8.10.2016 | attempt to intentionally cause death. |
906698394 | 20.10.2001 | 19.10.2016 | "illegally entering Israel, possession weapon or destructive material, providing services to an illegal organization." |
911619195 | 27.7.2004 | 26.7.2015 | "attempting to cause death, shooting at people, bearing weapons or explosive material without a permit." |
916527427 | 6.7.2002 | 5.7.2015 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization, placing bomb." |
922363445 | 22.1.2005 | 21.1.2014 | "attempting to cause death, shooting at people, illegally placing explosive material or fluid." |
944085786 | 4.7.2004 | 3.7.2014 | shooting at people. |
946690948 | 18.12.2001 | 17.12.2016 | "attempting to cause death, illegal military training, membership in illegal organization." |
949818918 | 9.5.2004 | 8.5.2014 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, membership in illegal organization, firearms possession." |
992531012 | 8.12.2004 | 7.6.2014 | "providing refuge, attempting to cause death, shooting at people." |
965976673 | 10.12.2001 | 9.12.2015 | "membership in outlawed organization, attempt to intentionally cause death, shooting at people military training." |
900268525 | 30.12.2003 | 29.12.2012 | "attempt to intentionally cause death, conspiring to carry out a crime, possession of an implement or object that can cause death." |
Crossposted at Israpundit
[Hat Tip: Boker Tov, Boulder]
Technorati Tag: Israel and Annapolis.

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