In my last post, I wrote about the Israeli Supreme Court. During Shabbos, I was reading the introduction in the Mosad HaRav Kook edition of the Seforno, and came across this (p. 27; click to enlarge images):
Apparently HaRav Zvi Pesach Frank tz"l referred to a particular peirush of the Seforno as a mekor to justify the establishment of a Supreme Court that would listen to the claims of a plaintiff not satisfied with the claims of a 'lower' Beit Din--based on the system of Batei Din established by Moshe Rabbeinu of a 4-tier system.
Here's the source:
Here is the complete comment by the Seforno on Shemos 18:21 in Parshas Yisro:
This is not to justify, or deny, the power of the Israeli Supreme Court today--I just thought it was an interesting footnote to my previous post.
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