The Eternal ConflictMany years ago I heard George Will's approach to resolving the Middle East problem: Actually, there is no problem in the Middle East. A 'problem' implies there is a solution. There is no solution here. It is not a problem--it's a mess.
...But the slaughter, and the reaction to it, is a perfect illustration of why discussion of Israel is so confused. A Palestinian opens fire on mostly teenage students studying in a library. The Hamas government in Gaza applauds the shooting and Palestinians take to the street to celebrate. Meanwhile, human rights groups say that Israel must continue to supply water, electricity and healthcare to the same Palestinians rejoicing in the street. To do otherwise is "collective punishment." Propping up an enemy committed to your total destruction just strikes me as total folly. What the best alternative is, I have no idea.
The same could be said for the current state of discussion about Israel.
Technorati Tag: Israel.

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