End of Week Review: March 7, 2008Dear Friend of Jerusalem,
Here are some of the leading headlines, from the all-new One Jerusalem Blog:
● The Personal Impact of the Massacre in Jerusalem: Written by a parent and friend. Dear Family and Friends, I am writing to share some reflections triggered by the terror attack in Jerusalem last night—which touched us personally, even though, thank God, nobody in our family was at...(read more)
● The Aftermath: Thousands attended the funerals of those murdered in Jerusalem. Predictably the politicians announced they will not let the terrorists stop peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. Don't they understand that the attack is an outgrowth of their failed...(read more)
● Breaking News:Terrorists Kill At Least 6 at Jerusalem Yeshiva: UPDATE: National Review has Hamas statement praising the attack.UPDATE: Palestinians Celebrate Jerusalem Attack.UPDATE: Friend at the scene says death toll going to be much higher. UPDATE: AP IS REPORTING 7 Dead. Two terrorists attacked students at a Jerusalem Rabbinical College killing 6...(read more)
● Saudi Arabia, The Palestinian Authority, Israel's Enemies Can't Be Happy: Despite their intense efforts and support from certain news organizations, Israel's enemies have failed to undermine the support of the American people toward the State of Israel.Gallup, the respected polling firm, recently polled over a thousand American adults and asked...(read more)
● Did McCain Call For Israel To Negotiate With Hamas?: The winner of the Republican Party's nomination for President, Senator John McCain seems to have called on Israel to negotiate with Hamas to stop Hamas fired missiles into Israel. The New York Sun has a post that gives a Talmudic...(read more)
● Obama's Power -- Samantha that is: Martin Kramer summarizes the case against Obama's foreign policy adviser Samantha Power. Kramer includes Power saying she is puzzled as to why she made critical comments about Israel.Power does have a prominent conservative defender. He is Max Boot and you...(read more)
● Israel Is Not Attacking Missile Launching Sites?: Infolive TV is reporting that Israel is not attacking Northern Gaza where the rockets that are landing in Israel are being fired from. So if you thought Israel's main objective is to stop the rockets by attacking their positions, think...(read more)
● Thank You All!: We thank YOU -- all of our dear friends of Jerusalem -- who responded to our calls, and stuffed their Jerusalem votes into Hasbro's polls every day.As of the last time Hasbro published Monopoly voting scores on its Leaderboard, Jerusalem was...(read more)
● Olmert Finally Defends Israel: Will he keep it going?For the security of his country lets hope he does.PA has suspended peace talks. ...(read more)
● Israel's Paralysis: We all know that Israel has the most powerful military in the Middle East. We all know that Israel has the military power to destroy its enemies. We all know that a State that does not protect its citizens is...(read more)
● Congratulations :: 1,001 Blog Postings!: Yesterday, February 21, 2008, One Jerusalem celebrated its 1,001-st Blog Posting, since we launched our Blog, several years ago.We are proud to bring you the inside scoop about Jerusalem, Israel, and help keep Jerusalem United!We are committed to bringing you the best of the...(read more)
● Over 4,500 rockets and mortars: This week, Israel's top military commander warned that a major conflict with the Palestinians is drawing near. To understand why Israel is being pushed to the brink of war lets look at the numbers:If the current rate of Palestinian rockets...(read more)
Together we can win the fight to maintain a united Jerusalem!
The One Jerusalem Team
Technorati Tag: Israel and Jerusalem.

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