While support for America's leaders has risen markedly throughout the Arab world with the coming of a new American administration, it has actually declined among Palestinians, a Gallup poll published Monday has found.Despite the steps that Obama has taken, not only to restore relations with the Arab world in general but to be more supportive of the Palestinian position vis-a-vis Israel--Palestinian Arabs appear not to have noticed:
...Indeed, among Palestinians and Lebanese, it has taken a turn for the worse from the Bush administration to the Obama administration, dropping by 3% in Lebanon (25% in May 2008 to 22% in March 2009) and 6% among West Bank Arabs (13% in August 2008 to just 7%).Whatever the reason may be, Palestinian Arabs give the impression that they do not know when they have it good.
It is unclear if this drop is the result of these Arab populations' concerns over Israel's January 2009 Operation Cast Lead, which enjoyed American political support and silence from then-president-elect Obama, or if it is related to the profound culture wars taking place in these two societies between radical Muslim forces and relative moderates or even liberals.
Technorati Tag: Obama and Palestinians .

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