For Immediate Release: June 12, 2013 | Contact: Follow us on Twitter |
Bayefsky Reveals the Madness of the UN Human Rights Council, in TweetsOn Monday morning, Anne Bayefsky was one of the few voices to oppose the anti-Israel madness of the execrable Richard Falk, the 9/11 Truther who is a Special Rapporteur at the UN Human Rights Council. The Human Rights Council, incidentally, is something the U.S. government chose to ignore until President Barack Obama decided to give it legitimacy--a policy both Susan Rice and Samantha Power fully support.Bayefsky live-tweeted the event, and her comments are both darkly amusing and revealing about the extent to which the Human Rights Council has become a forum for brutal dictators to taunt Jews--while we watch: @AnneBayefksy: Just out. #UN "expert" and antisemite #RichardFalk says #Israel "control[s]...the world media"! #tcot @AnneBayefksy: At the United Nations Human Rights Council where #Iran speaking on how much it cares about #humanrights. Nobody laughed. @AnneBayefksy: At UN Human Rights Council, European Union issues call for #Israel to fall on the #UN's sword, for the sake of everybody else. @AnneBayefksy: #RichardFalk at UN Human Rights Council bashes U.S. for $$ & military cooperation with #Israel. Didn't take him long. @AnneBayefksy: Guess what. #RichardFalk says not one word about #humanrights violation by a single Arab. Guess #Israel fighting with itself. @AnneBayefksy: Hezbollah says #RichardFalk has been defamed. Falk becomes victim in inverted human rights world of #UN. @AnneBayefksy: Human rights violation authority #Venezuela accuses #Israel of "systematic human rights violations." @AnneBayefksy: #SaudiArabia says #Israel flouts human rights law. From the land of gender apartheid. @AnneBayefksy: #Syrian representative upset by #Israeli "aggression." And no one flinched. After all, this is the #UN. @AnneBayefksy: #Iran, whose Pres. openly advocates annihilation of Israel, says Israel guilty of genocide. UN value? Deflect attention from real violators. @AnneBayefksy: #Cuba says "#Israel's acts are genocidal in nature." #UN "rights" council is the ideal place for hysterical lies. @AnneBayefksy: #Syria thanks #RichardFalk for describing facts as they are. Send Falk to Syria to investigate facts as they are! @AnneBayefksy: Responsibility to protect applies to #Palestinians, says #RichardFalk. What do you say, Samantha Power? Anne Bayefsky is director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust. Follow her@AnneBayefsky. |
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