She walked into the car, sat down, and asked that question.
She wouldn't tell my why she asked, or if she had heard it somewhere.
And I had no response.
Just a couple of days until Yom HaDin and my daughter is asking if it is the end of the world...
What happened to all those innocuous questions she usually asks?

It's the birth of a new one . . .
Yes, of course. Hayom Harat Olam
Maybe she heard someone say, "It's not the end of the world," and she wondered if the situation had changed, yet.
That could be--she often picks up bit of phrases from people and especially the Disney movies she watches.
When she was two, she once picked up an umbrella and walked around the house saying over and over "Tut, tut...looks like rain" (Winnie-the-Pooh)
Except say "Hayom Harat Olam" with an Ashkenazi prononciation.
I was once in a car with a bunch of Israelis traveling from KBY to Haifa and they had a Pirchei tape on with the boys singing "Hayom Haras Olam." The Israelis were quite amused.
Shana Tova.
Wow, don't you hate those sort of questions coming from your kids - especially when they are from left field and totally unexpected.
I have a hunch where this came from. Over the summer my wife bought our daughter a DVD of a Disney movie that recently came out. My daughter listened to it a couple of times on the way to Sesame Place.
The name of the movie--
Chicken Little.
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