Sunday, March 18, 2007

HOW MANY RUSSIAN JEWS IN ISRAEL ARE...JEWS? According to Artuz Sheva, between 25-50% of the million Russian Jews in Israel are not Jewish.

According to the blog Sultan Knish:
In 1989 Jewish Agency figures showed that 89 percent of Russians arriving were Jews and 6 percent non-Jews.By 1997 the numbers were 65 percent Jews to 45 percent non-Jews. Current figures suggest that of the current Russian immigration as much as 90 percent is non-Jewish and 40 percent of the overall Russian immigrants in Israel are not Halachically Jewish. Those numbers approach half a million.
That is a problem.

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1 comment:

Daniel Greenfield said...

a quite severe problem

israel now has neo-nazis, anti-semitic attacks by russians and in a time when a revived russia is muscling into the middle east and setting up bases in syria... it means rampant national security violations too