MUSLIM FRUMKEIT. In the second volume of Alei Shor, Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe tz"l decries the external expression of frumkeit and indulgence in chumras as opposed to true Avodas HaShem. The Muslim Brotherhood offshoot, the Muslim American Society, in Minnesota seems to be actively encouraging frumkeit. First the cabbies that would not take passengers who had alcohol. Now at K-Mart, Muslim cashiers are refusing to handle pork at the checkout counter.
On the issue of alcohol, Danie Pipes writes:-
Neither I nor anyone I queried has ever heard of cabbies in a Muslim-majority city raising an objection to carrying a passenger with liquor. Even Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American Islamic Relations acknowledged that the cab drivers at Minneapolis-St. Paul International are the first he's heard objecting to carrying alcohol.
There are reasons to doubt that the drivers' understanding of the Koranic prohibition on alcohol makes sense. The ban on alcohol concerns its consumption, not its transportation. Mohammad Al-Hanooti, a specialist on Islamic law, states that "some Islamic scholars disagree altogether with the Minneapolis Muslim cabbies' interpretation of Islamic law." Al-Hanooti himself explicitly finds that "it is lawful for a Muslim driver to carry a passenger who has alcohol." He dismissed the cabbies' concerns: "They think it is unlawful because they carry this feeling from home, because they come from Muslim countries."
some Muslims in the Twin Cities are adhering to a strict interpretation of the Qur'an that prohibits the handling of pork products.There is good reason to question just what are the boundaries of this prohibition.
There is equally good reason to look into who is behind these incidences and what they are actually trying to achieve.
See also: More on Muslim Frummies
Technorati Tag: K-Mart and Islam and Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim American Society .

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