Wednesday, March 07, 2007

FROM THE SECULAR ISLAM CONFERENCE: Here is a video of interviews with some of the speakers at the conference, courtesy of Pajamas Media:
The first Secular Islam Summit - a ground-breaking event bringing together some of the most courageous people on earth, Muslims who publicly seek to reform their religion - took place last weekend in St. Petersburg, Fla. Producer Andrew Marcus caught several of the key participants - Walid Phares, Ibn Warraq, Irshad Manji, Nonie Darwish, Tawfik Hamid, Wafa Sultan and event organizer Michael Ledeen - in exclusive interviews for Pajamas Media.

Here is video of The St. Petersburg Declaration, read by Ibn Warraq.

You can see the text of the declaration here.

This should keep CAIR busy for a while...

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