Thursday, March 08, 2007

WHEN GLOBAL WARMING WAS COOL: Le Mont De Sisyphe links to The Austrian Economists, a blog that provides a copy of the article in Newsweek magazine from April 28, 1975--on Global Cooling. I especially like this part:
The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard pressed to keep up with it.
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chalacuna said...

Global warming has been hitting countries across the globe. Wether we like it or not it is the reality that we are going to face.

But there is still hope, if we just make one step at a time to solve this problem.

Going for Hybrid and Biofuels could be a great factor in reducing pollutants.

For 100% emission free, Electric Cars is the ultimate solution. Lets go for green and help save the planet.

Daled Amos said...

I have no problem doing those things.

The issue is when science and politics band together, resort to sloppy science (the hockey stick theory), demonize opposing opinions from other scientists, and use this theory as a club to hit other countries (such as the US) over the head with.