Tuesday, June 05, 2007

NOT ALL ARABS ARE POTENTIAL SUICIDE BOMBERS: When is the last time you heard of a suicide bomber who was an Arab Christian? From American Thinker: Muhammad and the Jews: Why the Hostility Today?
It is also revealing that the Arab Christians, who may live in or around Israel or the Palestinian Territories (Muslims have virtually taken over Bethlehem), do not become human bombs. Why not? The short answer: Jesus never says that dying in a military holy war guarantees the "martyr" heaven, but only his death or "martyrdom" on the cross guarantees all true believers a place in heaven. The thorough answer may be read in Islamic Martyrdom? What a Bargain!

This entire article seeks to demonstrate that this connection between early Islam and Islam today, at least in part, plays a role in the hostility. At least this much will be certain: Muhammad's example cannot forbid Muslims from holding hatred in their hearts for Jews.
It's a long article, but well worth reading.

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