Thursday, June 14, 2007

U.S.: CLOP AL CHEIT OR AL HAMAS? During one sitting of CNS, Victor Davis Hanson heard the following apologies for Hamas:
I lost count of the various contortions. One talking head censures the Americans for not recognizing Hamas despite its refusal to disclaim its reason-to-be of undoing the Jewish state.

Another cited the “culture of violence” unleashed by the U.S. (read Iraq) — i.e., apparently the West Bank was like Nantucket until 2003.

Yet another lamented our support for elections that ushered in Hamas, as if the generic support for democracy makes us culpable for the odious government that the people freely chose to elect. (As if one who voted for such a terrorist clique would expect the United States to keep subsidizing it; as if one would have to keep talking to Hitler because he was once elected).

And then, of course, was the most Orwellian of all — our failure to support (e.g., send arms to) Fatah! (Is a terrorist organization no longer a terrorist organization when it is one-upped by another terrorist organization?)
Does that mean that Israel is off the hook?

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