Parker concludes:
Reading too much into these musings is a temptation to resist. Even so, it seems not much of a stretch to say that Hillary's superego won the joust. She married an id boy and let Bill Clinton carry the couple's narcissism for her, while Hillary carried the cross of self-discipline and moral vigor for him.I suppose Parker things this is a good thing. Obviously she does not remember the Star Trek episode from the original series--"The Enemy Within," where Kirk is split into 2 separate beings.
Written by renowned novelist-screenwriter Richard Matheson (The Incredible Shrinking Man), the outstanding episode "The Enemy Within" proposes a transporter malfunction that results in Captain Kirk being divided into two versions of himself, one aggressive and brutal, the other sensitive and good. Essentially, the personality mix that makes Kirk an effective leader and balanced man is scattered like so many marbles, and the result is one captain running around mauling women and wreaking havoc while the other is frightened and indecisive.Is this really the kind of image of Hillary that Parker wants to convey?
Technorati Tag: Hillary Clinton and Kathleen Parker.

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