Occasionally the mask slips and unpalatable truths emerge. The Guardian has filmed rare scenes inside Hamas-controlled Gaza which the various players in the unfolding tragedy of the Middle East would rather we did not see - Hamas beating up Fatah dissenters, Palestinian doctors forced by their Fatah paymasters to go on strike or forfeit their salaries, the militants who log on to Google Earth to search for Israeli targets for their Qassam rockets. The images, now on the Guardian's website, affront our concept of right and wrong, but they serve our understanding of what is going on...Sure, all in 4 minutes.
The first video is Inside Gaza: medical emergency:
In the first of his three exclusive films for Guardian Unlimited focusing on life in an increasingly isolated Gaza, Clancy Chassay finds hospitals deserted as doctors and nurses are forced to take sides in the political infighting between Hamas and FatahToday's video--Inside Gaza: 'Resistance is our strategy'
In the second of his three exclusive films for Guardian Unlimited, Clancy Chassay witnesses the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades launch a rocket into Israel and finds the militants using Google Earth to prepare their attacks.It features the obligatory scene of the journalist standing idly by as terrorists fire a rocket at Israel--and adding that no one was injured by the rocket. (And if they had?). I wonder if journalists accompanied the IRA when they planted roadside bombs.
But then again: those were terrorists, these are the resistance.
The series probably finishes tomorrow.
Technorati Tag: Gaza.

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