Monday, November 05, 2007

Malcolm Hoenlein on Olmert, The Balfour Decalaration and More

Each Friday, Nachum Segal interviews Malcolm Hoenlein:
Nachum interviewed Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, who called in for the latest Weekly Update. Nachum and Malcolm opened this week's interview with an update on Prime Minister Olmert's health in light of his recent announcement that he has prostate cancer. They also discussed various comments made by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice regarding Israel and the Palestinians. Nachum and Malcolm covered several other topics including: rumors about America being involved in Israel's strike on Syria, Presidential hopeful Senator John McCain's visit with the Conference of Presidents this week, Iran's warning to European countries about joining the United States in their economic sanctions against Iran, Israel having to deal with human rights groups who criticize them for cutting off supplies to Gaza in response to being rocketed on a daily basis, and MUCH more. In light of the Balfour Declaration put forth on November 2, 1917 (90 years ago today), Malcolm explained what the purpose of the declaration was, and how over time it has been corrupted by people who are anti-Israel. Malcolm emphasized the importance of teachers and parents teaching the history of the State of Israel and the historical context of its origin to their children so they don't fall prey to those that would distort reality and denigrate the Jewish homeland. Click the link to listen.
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