The overlying problem is that only the reasons for a second Palestinian state are ever mentioned, and even then the argument for a second Palestinian state is presented as if it were self-evident, ignoring the fact that there has never even existed an Arab Palestinian state in the past.
Overlooked are the substantial arguments to be made against such a state.
Here are 20 of them.
Like those who preceded him, Obama talks about taking Israel's security concerns into account. We cannot afford the same lack of attention to detail in regard to Israel's security that we have already seen in Obama's stimulus package and health care reform.Twenty QuestionsTwenty Questions was a popular television panel show from 1949 to 1955. A person chose a subject, not known to the panel, which then had twenty questions, answered yes or no, to reach the correct answer. We offer our own adapted 20 Questions, directed to Prime Minister Netanyahu, asking how he plans to deal with the ramifications of the (Demilitarized) Two State Solution.
Herbert Zweibon
1. In the year prior to signing the Oslo agreements, Israeli intelligence experts did a study for the Labor government of 200 agreements that Arafat’s PLO had signed over the years and found that he had honored none of them. What makes you believe “this time” will be any different?
2. How are you going to prevent an influx of sophisticated weapons into the “demilitarized” state? And please don’t insult our intelligence by saying foreign “monitors” are going to stop it.
3. How are you going to prevent the firing of missiles at airplanes going in and out of Ben Gurion airport? One downed plane will mean the end of international carriers flying to Israel.
4. How do you prevent the training and equipping of a Palestinian army in another Arab state?
5. How do you propose to deal with demands by Israeli Arabs in the Galilee, where they are a majority, to join the Palestinian state?
6. How will you respond to Hamas or Hezbollah taking over “demilitarized” Palestine?
7. How do you deal with the loss of political support from Bible-believing Christians in the United States, your last important source of support in a world filled with irrational hatred of Israel?
8. How will you cope with the depletion and destruction of the mountain aquifer on which Israel depends for water?
9. How do you restore the morale of Israelis after the shock of forfeiting Jerusalem and all claims to the heartland of the Jewish people?
10. How do you envisage expelling 500,000 Jews from their homes on the “wrong” side of the Green Line (including East Jerusalem)?
11. How do you pay for their resettlement, given that Israel has still not managed to recompense and resettle the 10,000 Jews it expelled from their homes in Gaza?
12. How do you stem the flood of Israelis leaving the country in the wake of this demoralization?
13. How do you defend a country whose width is the distance between New York’s JFK and LaGuardia airports??
14. How do you defend the coastal plain when a Palestinian state controls the mountain ranges that dominate it?
15. Are you now preparing to give the Golan Heights to Syria and destroy its Jewish communities?
16. How do you deal with the loss of ability to engage in “hot pursuit” in a sovereign Palestine?
17. How do you prevent foreign armies entering Palestine when you don’t control the entry points?
18. How do you propose to recoup the loss in business investment and tourism?
19. Do you plan to recognize two Palestinian states, Gazastan and Palestine?
20. The PA, like Hamas, has made clear it insists on the Right to Return. How will you deal with these demands for a “one state solution” after you have forfeited your claims to the historic Land of Israel and given up so many of your strategic advantages?
We will be astounded if you can come up with a rational answer to any of these questions. And under those circumstances, it is, to quote Edgar Allen Poe, “much of Madness, and more of Sin” to embark—or pretend to embark—on a “two state solution.”
Crossposted on Soccer Dad
Technorati Tag: Israel and Two State Solution.

how can any israel believe that there will ever be peace with hamas, abbas or hezbollah after witnessing these thugs murder their co-religionists in iran in service of the iranian theocracy?
they have sworn the destruction of israel?
how can any israeli ever believe that they do not mean exactly that?
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
they have sworn the destruction of israel.
john jay
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