Thirty Palestinians killed. Women and children caught in the crossfire. Missiles fired at a Mosque. Muslim prisoners 'executed' in cold blood. A massacre. Media restrictions.
A familiar tale? Indeed. International outrage and demonstrations in the streets of London? Nope.
And why might that be? Why it's simple. The Palestinians were were killed by Palestinians and, it would appear from the lack of reaction that in those circumstances their lives are cheap, but when they are killed by Israelis it is an outrage.
On August 15th Hamas militiamen attacked a Mosque in Rafah in the Gaza Strip. Inside were extremists from the Jund Ansar Allah group (JAA). JAA were so extreme they viewed Hamas almost as liberals.
They had declared Gaza an Islamic state and challenged Hamas to enter the Mosque. 'No problem' said Hamas.
In the assault Hamas desecrated holy ground, firing rocket and after rocket at the Mosque, some hit surrounding houses. It would be reasonable to assume that at least one Holy Koran may have been damaged.
After they took the building they rounded up the survivors. Mobile phone footage shows what appears to be Hamas men 'executing' some of them.
It is not hard evidence, but local reporters say that is what happened, and the footage is certainly of the aftermath of the attack. Audio material has Hamas commanders ordering the killings.
I put 'executed' in quotation marks as in this context, ie, the killing of someone, it is a legal term. But in the context of what Hamas did, perhaps it should be substituted for murdered.
And where is the outrage about these murders. The marches, the petitions, the calls for a boycott, the conspiracy theory of a war against Muslims, ad infinitum? I hear just the wind blowing across the freshly dug graves. Because unless the Israelis kill them, people don't care.
Clearly it is not the deaths of Palestinian Arabs that gets the world into an uproar--and as a result both Israel and the Palestinian Arabs suffer.
Technorati Tag: Israel and Hamas and Jund Ansar Allah.

pics or it didnt happen!
These days, you can have pictures and still not be sure it happened.
Great post, as usual. I guess that the next time someone in the media uses the excuse 'if it bleeds, it leads,' I'll know not to believe them. It is only true if 1) the right people are bleeding, and 2) the right people caused the bleeding.
[i]Anonymous said...
pics or it didnt happen![/i]
lol hello fellow moron
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