Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Chechnya, China, Dagestan, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ingushetia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA, Uzbekistan and Yemen.
These attacks totaled 9,157 deaths and 18,546 injured.
You can view the list on their website, according to date--with a description of each individual attack.
In addition to a list of Islamist terror attacks for the first 2 months of 2010, the site also features:
Based on their list for 2009, I made 2 lists of my own.
Here are the totals by country (view the spreadsheet online )
Below is the annotated list of casualties by country (view the spreadsheet online)
Islamist terrorism is very real and very global--and forcing concessions out of Israel is not going to put an end to it.
Neither is hiding our heads in the sand and wishing it away.
Crossposted on Soccer Dad
Technorati Tag: Islamist Terrorism.

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