“There’s no worse crime in journalism these days than simply deciding something’s a story because Drudge links to it,” according to NBC’s chief White House correspondent, Chuck Todd. Really? No worse crime?
Not Dan Rather’s use of forged documents in a one-sided 60 Minutes hit piece intended to cost President Bush re-election? Not the plagiarism and fabrications of former New York Times reporter Jayson Blair and the New Republic’s Stephen Glass?
There are, in fact, an endless number of “crimes” in journalism that are worse than deciding something is a story because Matt Drudge links to it.
Journalism in general and and the print media in particular are not leaving us any time soon, but that does not mean that they will not fight the growing sense of partisanship and irrelevance associated with them tooth and nail.
But in the process, silly arguments should be avoided which only serve to highlight their problem.
Technorati Tag: Journalism.
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