You can find it on Daylife
The caption on the right reads:
A Star of David and the name of the Israeli settlement of Shilo written in Hebrew are seen on a Palestinian farmer field vandalized by Israel settlers on January 12, 2011 in the northern West Bank village of Qariot, near Nablus.Looks pretty bad, right?
Israeli occupation!
Israeli settlers!
Israeli persecution!
The only problem is: the caption is a lie.
But who is going to question a picture?
Who is going to wonder out loud how something like this--which would likely have had to been done during the day--could have been done without detection?
Who is going to question the Palestinian version of events?
Certainly not many journalists.
But My Right Word first started blogging about the story behind this in December 2009:
There is a plot of land which is in dispute. For the past three decades, no Arab has worked it and it is being worked by two Jews, Yaakov Sharvit and Moshe Moshkowitz. I do not know the legal standing but the legal system has kicked in and we'll know soon.
Now, in response to the picture and caption that appear on Daylife, My Right Word notes that the Palestinian side lost the dispute, and in celebration of their court victory the legal owners did this to celebrate:
The Hebrew reads: Shiloh Land.
The problem of course is obvious: lazy journalism that blindly accepts the Palestinian narrative without question and without investigation.
And of course, this is not the first time that the Palestinian version of events has been proven to be a lie.
CAMERA has documented a number of instances where Palestinian Arabs have falsified deaths, in order to blame Israel:
A History of Manipulated Circumstances:Arabs have also falsely blamed Israelis of destroying their land--the most recent case being the case of an Arab who accidentally burned his field and blamed on Israelis.
The murky circumstances of Abu Rahma’s death cannot be viewed in a vacuum. It follows many instances in which Palestinian sources have fabricated and manipulated deaths, both on the large scale (such as in the case of the so-called “Jenin massacre” and on an individual level).
o Most famously, there is the case of Mohammed Al-Dura in September 2000. The many inconsistencies in the France 2 report blaming Israeli soldiers for his death have been documented extensively.
o Following the winter 2008-09 Gaza war, Khaled Abed Rabbo of Abed Rabbo in the northern Gaza Strip gave numerous completely contradictory accounts concerning the deaths of his daughters,
o In April 2010, there was the case of Muhammed Faramawi, 15, who was said to have been shot “by Israeli forces” and “left bleeding for hours” before Israel allowed paramedics to evacuate him, has emerged, alive and well after having been held by Egyptian authorities.
o In May 2008, Muhammad al-Harrani, a father of six from Gaza diagnosed with cancer who reportedly died while waiting for a permit to enter Israel, miraculously “came back to life.”
o In July 2003, Palestinian sources blamed the death of four Gaza men on Israel, when it later came to light that they died in a so-called “work accident,” i.e., while preparing explosives.
o An April 2002 staged funeral in Jenin, in which pallbearers drop a stretcher with a corpse, who falls off, and climbs right back on the stretcher.
As long as it is clear that Arabs can lie with impunity, that journalists will accept their stories without question and without investigation, the Arabs will continue to lie because there is no consequences.
No consequences, that is, except that the truth gets trampled.
But there seems to be an awful lot of journalists who are not overly concerned about that.
Technorati Tag: Palestinian Propaganda.

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