Israel security sources have assembled the facts of the truth about the death of Jawaher Abu Rahma and held a briefing today. The notes are from
The Muqata and are posted on his site.
Israel security sources briefed an exclusive group of bloggers this evening on the events surrounding this past Friday's Bilin demonstration and the "alleged tear gassing to death" of a Palestinian woman, Jawaher Abu Rahma.
The sources said they have reason to believe that the death 2 days ago was because of another reason than what the Palestinians are claiming (tear gas inhalation).
Abu Rahma's documented lab work is dated on Friday at 2:45 PM.
Her admission time to the ER in the same Ramallah hospital was 3:20 PM.
Hospital Lab work is usually done after you arrive at the hospital, not before you arrive.
There is no hospital ER admission report, no ER summary report, and no hospital records of this woman.
The official PA Ramallah Hospital's death certificate for Abu Rahma states as the cause of death as follows (this is word for word):
Cause of death “Inhaling gas of an Israeli solider according to the family”
That is the entire medical basis for the family's allegations.
We know this woman visited the same hospital 10 days ago and many other times in the past month. When we looked at the medication she was taking – it was for cancer.
We have never heard of anyone dying from inhaling tear gas (5 years of experience with this particular tear gas). There were hundreds of other rioters in the same open air location, in broad daylight and yet she was the only one "allegedly" affected by the gas.
Palestinians claim she has been participating in the riots for the past 5 years as her brother is the head leader of the weekly Bil'in riots.
However, there are no photos of this woman participating at this riot or ANY riot over the past 5 years, and these riots occur on a weekly basis and are heavily photographed and documented.
We always see photos of rioters – yet this time, no photos appeared of this woman.
We believe there are many unsolved questions – and our assumptions are:
- Abu Rahma wasn't at the riot
- Abu Rahma died at her home
- Abu Rahma was chronically ill
Additionally, Israel buys this tear gas/riot-dispersal method from companies abroad, and this is the same non-lethal tear gas used by riot control forces around the Western world.
More details to be updated here in a few minutes (10:00 PM)
Update; 10:04 PM
There has been a theory floating around about an honor killing being behind the death, that Abu Rahma was stabbed to death for being pregnant as a family "honor killing", however there has been no confirmation about this and the direction Israeli sources are currently progressing is more in towards death from a chronic illness.
Israel's High Court ruled that the IDF must change the path of the security fence to go outside of Bil'in, thereby agreeing to the Palestinian claims. The new fence is under construction and should be completed within a few months. The IDF will remove the older fence once the new one is complete -- therefore the current riots are completely propaganda.
Abu Rahma's brother was the primary leader of the riots – therefore we would expect his sister to be by his side – but there’s no documentation of her being at any of the riots over the past 5 years, or at this one in particular.
Lastly, the reports to the press and IDF from the Palestinians is that 1 person was lightly wounded in the riot, and released from the Ramallah hospital to their home, an hour after admittance. The reports were changed later that two people in total were lightly wounded and released after an hour.
Technorati Tag:
Jawaher Abu Rahma and
Bilin and
Tear Gas.
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