BLITZER: You know, you have been criticized for your handling of Iran when the Shah was in power, you know, in the late...If that is the one sole change Carter would have made in his "handling of Iran when the Shah was in power," then Carter has not changed either--except that instead of being a danger to the US, not he is a danger to the world.
CARTER: I have heard about that.
BLITZER: In the late '70s. Looking back all of these years, knowing what has happened, what, if anything, would you have done differently?
CARTER: I would have had one more helicopter in our rescue mission, which would have brought all of the hostages out safe and free. And so I had to wait from April, around until five minutes after I was no longer president when all of the hostages did come home safe and free.
Check out Gateway Pundit, Macsmind and Jammie Wearing Fool.
[Hat tip: Larwyn]
Technorati Tag: Jimmy Carter.

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