...Senator Obama clearly doesn't support any of the values and goals of Hamas.
But the fact that the spokesperson for Hamas would say they would welcome the election of Senator Obama really does raise the question, “Why?”
And it suggests the difference between these two candidates. And I think Hamas and Hezbollah, which is now control of Beirut, apparently, are proxies, are wards of Iran, which is the very same country that constantly shouts “Death to America, death to Israel.”
So I think one of John’s strengths, John McCain’s strength as president, frankly, is that our allies and friends around the world will trust him. And our enemies like Hamas and Iran will fear him. And I think they need to fear him...
...Senator Obama has said he would sit down, without condition, with Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran.
That not only gives prestige to a terrible America and Israel- hater but it also threatens our allies in the region.
Look, I’ll give you another example. This is an indirect step that could undermine our position in the Middle East. Earlier this year, Senator Kyl and I introduced the resolution in the Senate which called on the administration to impose economic sanctions on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard that is training and equipping Iraqis that are going back into Iraq and killing American soldiers, hundreds of them.
Senator McCain and Senator Clinton voted for that resolution. About three quarters of the Senate did. Senator Obama did not.
Whatever words one may use to describe how the rest of the world would feel towards the US under a Barack presidency--I don't believe that respect is one of them.
Neither, apparently, does Senator Lieberman.Technorati Tag: Obama.

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