Monday, October 04, 2010

Ahmadinejad To Obama: Can You Hear Me Now!?

I don't think that there will be much argument over translating what Ahmadinejad said this time:
Iran's president Sunday called for U.S. leaders to be "buried" in response to what he says are American threats of military attack against Tehran's nuclear program.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is known for brash rhetoric in addressing the West, but in a speech Sunday he went a step further using a deeply offensive insult in response to U.S. statements that the military option against Iran is still on the table.

"May the undertaker bury you, your table and your body, which has soiled the world," he said using language in Iran reserved for hated enemies.
This is a big jump from the time when Ahmadinejad was referring to the US, when he said, 'The Bogeyman Snatched The Boob'. Apparently he has decided to enter Kruschev territory.

I guess there will be no debating over what Ahamdinejad said this time, unlike his "we will wipe you off the map" comments.

I don't know--maybe Ahmadinejad wants to see if he can actually get a rise out of Obama.
Good luck with that.

We in the US have been trying to do that for 2 years now, without much success.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a good demonstration of the attitude displayed by Ahmadinejad in order to gain and maintain the respect of Iranian citizens. Iranians expect a ruler to demonstrate resolve and strength, and do whatever it takes
to remain in power. The following link is a comprehensive analysis into the Iranian mindset and will give you a better understanding of why Ahmadinejad employs the rhetorical tactics that he does....enjoy the read!