Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Lebanon Fights Back Against Hezbollah?

If only it were true, as reported in Ya Libnan that Lebanese Fed up with Hezbollah:
The majority March 14 coalition stressed on Wednesday that the Lebanese were fed up with “daily Hezbollah threats and militia-style practices.”

Following the weekly meeting of its March 14 general-secretariat the alliance said Hezbollah practices “will not be able to intimidate the Lebanese or dissuade them from committing to the accomplishments of the independence intifada and its gains.”

March 14 General Secretariat called for joining ranks, adding that Hezbollah “should know that the Lebanese are attached to civil peace and they do not fear intimidation and threats.”
And for good measure, Syria gets its nose tweaked as well:
March 14 criticized the Syrian arrest warrants( against a number of Lebanese dignitaries ) by describing them as “a Syrian call to eliminate the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and are a blatant defiance of Lebanese demands for justice and stability.”
No mention of Iran, Hezbollah's handlers.
And Ahmadinejad will be visiting Lebanon, for whom a copy of the Al Aqsa mosque is being built in Southern Lebanon, from where he is scheduled to throw rocks across the border at Israel.

No--many words may be used to describe Lebanon, but "independent" is not one of them.

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