The occasion was a visit by the self-proclaimed peace loving Global March to Jerusalem to see Ahmadinejad, the fraudulently elected Iranian leader who shot those who protested.
Exposing The Truth About The Global March To Jerusalem notes:
Ahmadinejad told the visitors that “the existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to freedom, justice and all independent nations” and added:I suppose it made more sense to visit Iran than Syria, seeing as unlike Syria--Iran has already quashed their protests and is now helping Syria with theirs.
He also slammed the Western states for showing no tolerance towards questioning the existence of Israel.
“The Europe and the US spend tens of billions of their wealth on the Zionists each year to help a criminal regime…continue its occupation [of Palestinian lands]”
“Despite all liberal claims of the Western states, nobody is ever allowed to ask a question or conduct a research [sic] on how the Zionist regime was established,”According to another report, Ahmadinejad also said that:
“The issue of Palestine is not an argument between one person and another or a conflict created between the followers of one prophet and another …but the dispute over Palestine is a dispute over dominating and managing the world,”
“..the Palestinians must rule the land. “No matter how strong the enemies are, they will be destroyed and we must prepare for the great day in which arrogance will be wiped from the face of the earth”.And:
“The Zionist regime is like a malignant cancerous cell, and even one or two cells are enough to infect the whole body”
Technorati Tag: Israel and Global March To Jerusalem and Ahmadinejad.

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