And it's not going to stop the Palestinian Authority for paying over $1billion dollars to Hamas each year.
According to Maan: The Palestinian Authority has spent $7 billion in Gaza since it split from Hamas
The Palestinian Authority has spent over $7 billion in Gaza since 2007, Fatah spokesman Ahmad Assaf said Wednesday.The next time some pro-Palestinian apologist wants to manufacture claims that Gaza is an open prison, maybe he should take a look at the ones who hold the keys: Hamas.
The Fatah-led government in Ramallah has continued to meet its obligations in Gaza even though Fatah was ousted from the coastal enclave by Hamas in 2007, Assaf said in a statement.
The PA spends around $120 million each month on the Gaza Strip, paying the salaries of around 80,000 civil servants, the Fatah official said.
The Ramallah government pays for all health and education needs in Gaza, including teachers' salaries, books and school maintenance. It also pays Israel around 50 million shekels ($13.37 million) for 120 Megawatts of electricity for Gaza.
Meanwhile, Hamas charges residents for electricity and collects the payments for itself, he said.
Gaza's Hamas rulers now have billions of dollars because the administration has not had to spend any money, Assaf said, adding that there were now over 2,100 "Hamas millionaires."
If the apologists are not bothered by the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, maybe they should be bothered by how well Hamas terrorists are doing for themselves at the expense of Gazans.
Hat tip: IMRA
Technorati Tag: Gaza and Hamas.

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