Thursday, May 01, 2008

The "Eminent Sense" Behind Hamas Claim That Jews Were Behind The Holocaust

According to the video, Ben-Gurion was a primary mover behind the Holocaust, saying "the disabled and handicapped are a heavy burden on the state"--leaving the question: which state is Ben-Gurion supposed to be speaking about, considering the Holocaust began in 1938: 10 years before the re-establishment of Israel.

An interesting point is raised by Noah Pollak:
But actually this explanation makes perfect sense: Hamas is not only willing but in fact eager to make its people suffer and die in order to win the benefits of international sympathy. The suffering-to-benefits ratio is one of the most important calculations that informs Hamas’ relations with the world: when Palestinians die — it really doesn’t matter how — Israel is condemned and Palestinian suffering rushes to the forefront of international concern.

Amin Dabur, a Palestinian “expert” quoted in the television clip, says that “They were sent [by the Jews to die] so there would be a Holocaust, so Israel could ‘play’ it for world sympathy.” To western ears, this is crazy. But if your experience of the world is that of a member of Hamas, this explanation is eminently sensible.
And the predictable Western response to each Hamas-perpetuated disaster only fuels the suffering of Palestinian Arabs in Gaza.

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