Note: March 29, 2011--Muqata posts that Facebook UnLikes Third Intifada Page
There is a new version of the page has replaced in on Facebook--but it appears to be a mock page of the original.
Here is the Facebook Page for The Third Palestinian Intifada
Here is the translation of the Arabic:
AttentionActually, this page is a great idea--after all, if it is successful, maybe we can then address an even greater wrong and respond to Islam's long history of conquest and occupation.
The countries neighboring Palestine will start to advance on Palestine on May 15, and a while after that all the Islamic countries will advance. Our time is near. Palestine will be liberated, and it will be we who liberated it. Our aim at present is to reach millions of friends with this page before May.
I request that you publicize this page everywhere.
We are coming, Palestine.
Copy the link to your page, add it to your profile, and publicize it with every photograph, video, page, and everywhere:
[Site address]
Palestine, how negligent we have been concerning your rights. Forgive us and forgive your children for this.
You have always been our inspiration for resoluteness, for resistance, and for struggle for you to be free and Arab.
Palestine, as you were, as you still are, and as you will remain,
I love you, queen of lands!
Following the Tunisian Intifada, the Egyptian Intifada and the Libyan Intifada, it is now the turn of the Palestinian Intifada.
The first Intifada was in 1987.
The second Intifada was in 2000.
As to the third Intifada, its date will soon appear on this page.
We have contacted the managers of Arab [Facebook] pages with large numbers of friends, and they have said that they will assist us in publicizing this page. The Palestinian cause is our cause.
Publicize this page on websites, forums, and everywhere, and invite all your friends to join. If everyone invites all his friends – by Allah, by today we will have more than 100,000 friends.
This page was created on March 6, 2011.
Allah willing, we will reach a million [friends] this week.
The time for Palestine’s liberation has come.
Everyone who has a Facebook page – please publicize our page on yours.
Palestine will be liberated and it will be we who liberated it.
We are coming, Palestine.
If Facebook closes this page, all Muslims will boycott it forever!
Translation: PMW -
In an article for The New Yorker back in 2001 entitled the The Revolt of Islam Bernard Lewis writes about the European counter-attack against Moslem invasion during the Middle Ages--before Facebook:
The Tatars were expelled from Russia, and the Moors from Spain. But in southeastern Europe, where the Ottoman sultan confronted first the Byzantine and then the Holy Roman Emperor, Muslim power prevailed, and these setbacks were seen as minor and peripheral. As late as the seventeenth century, Turkish pashas still ruled in Budapest and Belgrade, Turkish armies were besieging Vienna, and Barbary corsairs were raiding lands as distant as the British Isles and, on one occasion, in 1627, even Iceland. [emphasis added]The material in the article appears also in Lewis' The Crisis of Islam (see page 51).
On page 34 of that book, Lewis describes the beginnings of Moslem Imperialism in the Middle East--which was Christian at the time:
The then Christian provinces of Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and North Africa were absorbed and in due course Islamized and Arabized, and they served as bases for the further invasion of Europe and the conquest of Spain and Portugal and much of southern Italy. By the early eighth century the conquering Arab armies were even advancing beyond the Pyrenees into France.[emphasis added]The world has forgotten that what today is considered the Muslim Middle East was actually Christian to a large extent.
Lewis describes the European attempt to end the Moslem occupation in contemporary terms:
By this time the jihad had become almost entirely defensive--resisting the Reconquest in Spain and Russia, resisting the movements for national self-liberation by the Christian subjects of the Ottoman Empire, and finally, as Muslims see it, defending the very heartlands of Islam against infidel attack.[emphasis added]Lewis adds how Moslems describe this period of Christian self-liberation:
This phase has come to be known as imperialism.Nice turn of phrase--what the rest of the world saw as the emancipation from the control of the Muslim occupiers, the Muslims called imperialism.
So actually, this third intifada is already kind of old--based on an idea from the Middle Ages to kick out the Muslim conquerors --an idea that got mixed results.
What this group is calling the Third Intifada was known back then as The Crusades.
Technorati Tag: Third Intifada and Islam and Occupation.

This is why Israel MUST walk away from the Peace-Process-
There is NO PARTNER to speak about peace with-- ONLY murderous individuals who want every Jew dead and take pleasure in spilling blood but never compromising.
Do what you want, once Israel turns away from this peace agreement you will be begging for a peace treaty and this time we will not accept, and once you try to attack you will be stopped. Israel has survived for hundreds of years and there is no doubt that you will not succeed. The people of Israel will fight, and you monsters will be stopped for what you have done to that family, who didn't even commit a single wrong against you besides being Jewish. Israel will fight, and in the end we will win.
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