Digitizing the HolocaustYad Vashem already has started putting the interviews online on YouTube--check out Yad Vashem's YouTube page. There are 18 interviews so far, which you can view here.
By Bob Davis
Word Count: 1,106
JERUSALEM -- Yad Vashem, the famed Holocaust museum here, is planning for a world without Holocaust survivors.
The museum aims to capture the interest of future generations by retelling the stories of those who survived the Nazi persecutions and those who perished. It is an exercise in imagination, technology and judgment.
The museum is digitizing 75 million records over the next three years, videotaping interviews with one-time concentration-camp inmates and using art and multimedia displays -- even a YouTube channel -- to create a record that will outlive the now-elderly survivors. "We have to set up a dialogue in the ...
Technorati Tag: Holocaust and Yad Vashem.

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