The six-point ceasefire agreement is dead. Dead, too, are any illusions about Putin and Medvedev being cajoled into acting responsibly on this and any other matters of importance to the West. The need to play patty-cake with the Kremlin in hopes of Russian cooperation on Iran: dead. The need to speak prudently so as not to offend Time magazine’s Man of The Year: dead. It’s time Russia feels a severe economic choke hold, and her neighbors (and our allies) need to be armed and trained, so that their oil supplies are protected and their borders remain intact. We need Europe on this and they need us. As slow and off-base as President Bush and Condoleezza Rice have been on this drama, I suspect we will hear clear and decisive word from today’s emergency NATO meeting in Brussels.Check out the Wall Street Journal article about Russian troops in Poti.
Technorati Tag: Russia and Georgia.

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