Now at Home Center: Discounts for Arabs onlyMeanwhile, speaking of special treatment:
Ynet has learned that Home Center, a popular home wares chain that operates throughout Israel, has been offering preferential treatment to the Arab sector via special discounts they alone are eligible for, regardless of whether the store is situated in a mostly Jewish city.
Walid Dakah, an Israeli Arab who was sentenced to life imprisonment for security offenses, filed a first-of-its kind petition Sunday morning with the Nazareth District Court, asking that it grant him conjugal visits in order to allow him and his wife to bring a child into the world.And on that note:
Several short days after Israel somberly marked the 12th anniversary of the murder of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin at the hands of Yigal Amir, the assassin's wife gave birth to a baby boy on Sunday.What can one say.
Larissa Amir-Trimbobler arrived at the Bikur Holim ospital in Jerusalem at around noon and spent around three hours in labor until the couple's firstborn was delivered.
The bris is scheduled to be held on November 4th, the anniversary of the murder according to the Gregorian calendar. [emphasis added]
Technorati Tag: Israel.

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