Read the whole thing.But, by late 2007, Israeli analysts saw war and the horizon for Russia and Georgia, Ha'Aretz observes. "The defense and foreign ministries started ordering military exports to Georgia be cut last year, thwarting a major deal for Israeli-made Merkava tanks... Senior Israeli generals apparently felt a showdown was imminent, and preferred not to get directly involved."
Especially because Jerusalem "views cooperation from Moscow — which has been supplying Iran with arms and help in its nuclear efforts — as crucial to halting Iran’s drive" for atomic weaponry, the Jewish Week adds.
During the first few days of the war, the Russians seemed placated. “We are appreciative of Israel’s position of not selling offensive weapons to a conflict area,” Russian diplomat Anatoly Yurkov said. Today, the rhetoric changed.
With that change in rhetoric, hopes for Russian help in curbing Iran's nuclear program are dashed.
[Hat tip: Hot Air Headlines]
Technorati Tag: Israel.

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