Saudi Arabia's MBC TV began its Sunday night news edition not with Syrian President Bashar Assad's trip to Iran, nor with Palestinian infighting in Gaza - but with an outraged report on an Israeli TV commercial.Check out the video.
The advertisement shows wealthy Arab oil barons enraged that a Nissan car is so fuel efficient.
MBC proceeded to interview a Saudi representative, who was asked why he thought Israel would broadcast the commercial. He warned of a boycott of Nissan by Persian Gulf states, and demanded the company apologize.
That same Saudi representative told the audience what he thought of Israel:

So when for fun an Israeli ad poking fun at Saudis and oil--that is racist.
And what do Saudis do for fun?
The embrace by prominent figures from the Middle East - including members of the Saudi royal family and a former Syrian defense minister - of blood libel over the past few years has been well-documented.The most influential government-controlled newspapers in Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and elsewhere similarly have promoted the claim that Jews incorporate blood from Muslim and Christian children in Passover matzo.
...Unfortunately, the spread of the blood libel theory from Jordan was not a one-time event. The secretary-general of the Islamic Action Front Party in Jordan, Sheik Hamza Mansour, appeared on Saudi Al-Majd TV on March 22, 2004, and said, "As the Koran says, You shall find the bitterest of people in enmity against the believers to be the Jews ... This is their sick psychological nature. This is the nature that makes matzo out of innocent children's blood."
A Jordanian-produced series titled, "Stories From the Koran," which aired on Saudi Iqra TV in February 2005 included a scene about how Jews "altered" the Torah and discussed the Jewish "trait" of hating. A Jewish character, Huyay, recited the following dialogue: "We are the slayers of prophets, and we live off their blood! ... Once they are dead, we finish off their followers." Jewish characters in the series also played with voodoo dolls of Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
...* "I would like to clarify that the Jews' spilling human blood to prepare pastry for their holidays is a well-established fact ... How is it done? For this holiday, the victim must be a ... Christian or Muslim. His blood is taken and fired into granules. The cleric blends these granules into the pastry dough ... For the Passover slaughtering ... the blood of Christian and Muslim children under the age of 10 must be used, and the cleric can mix the blood [into the dough]..." Dr. Umayma Ahmad Al-Jalahma of King Fahd University said in Saudi Arabia's Al-Riyadh in March 2002.
No, money can't buy you love, and as the Saudis prove over and over--it doesn't buy you civilization either. And no inter-faith conference is going to prove otherwise.
[Hat tip: Hot Air]
Technorati Tag: Saudi Arabia and Anti-Semitism.

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