But not a glove has been landed on the report itself … It cannot and will not be buried. It will not go away.
Col. Desmond Travers, participant in the Goldstone fact-finding mission
And neither will the analyzes, criticisms and refutations of that very same Goldstone Report--critiques that Col. Travers claims do not exist.
Among the sources of analysis online is Understanding The Goldstone Report, which has a section featuring Open Letters To Judge Goldstone, including:
- Law Professor Trevor Norwitz
- Dr. David Zangen (who refuted the Jenin Massacre myth)
- Rep. Howard Berman (who rebutted Goldstone's criticism of HR 867)
- CAMERA (whose whose The Goldstone Report: A Study in Duplicity points out factual flaws in the Report)
If Col. Travers cannot even recognize the fact that in-depth, critiques of the Report exist that deal with the actual facts, what are we to think of the Goldstone Report in which he participated?
Technorati Tag: Colonel Desmond Travers and Goldstone Report.

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