Hamas site encourages Europe attacksTo get an idea of how the Hamas website works, take a look at Hate on the net: extremist sites, neo-fascism on-line, electronic jihad By Antonio Roversi.
The educational content of the Hamas children's Web site Al-Fateh (The Conqueror) is not a form of pedagogy, but an "indoctrination to suicide bombing," said David Oman, the director of communications for the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-SE) on Tuesday at a press conference at the Regent Hotel.
Gert Weisskirchen, a former Social Democratic Party MP and chairman of the OSCE on combating anti-Semitism between 2004-2008, introduced the IMPACT-SE study, and said that "there is a chance to prevent the indoctrination of children and youngsters in Germany and all over Europe."
The study "Al-Fateh - The Hamas Web Magazine for Children: Indoctrination to Jihad, Annihilation and Self-Destruction" took place from September 2002 to April of this year.
Oman cited the "friends of Al-Fateh" entry of the young German-Palestinian child Muhammad Warad as growing evidence of the spread of radical, anti-Western Hamas ideology. [emphasis added]
In the excerpt from the book, embedded below, starting on page 110 ("Al Fateh and the Pedagogy of War"), Roversi describes how similar the site is to other sites for children.
Then on page 112, he describes the darker side of the site, in the section of the site called "Friends of Al Fateh."
On page 113, Roversi describes 3 other sections of the site that continue with the theme of martyrdom--this on a website that Hamas intends for children.
Page 114 is skipped, but page 115 has the conclusion of what apparently is a letter of a child ready to be a suicide bomber.
Remember, we are no longer talking about the TV shows that Hamas produces to brainwash their own children in Gaza. Now we are talking about Hamas exporting their brand of indoctrination to Europe, and the Muslim populations there.
The study referred to above states the obvious:
The educational material on the site contravenes "all of the International Educational Standards based on UNESCO Resolutions," noted the study. Moreover, the authors of the study wrote that the site violates the International Convention on the Rights of the Child affirming that "every child has the inherent right to life," by inciting children to commit suicide bombings.What is not so obvious is what the UN--or anyone else, for that matter--is going to do about it.
The pro-violence ideology of Hamas will have "implications for the West and Israel," said Oman.
Technorati Tag: Friends of Al-Fateh and Terrorism and Hamas and Antonio Roversi.

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