This joins aphrodisiac bubble gum, poisonous candy, super rats, and stripper assassins in Israel's purported arsenal of tools to oppress Arabs.Both The Economist and Al Jazeera (YouTube video) have claimed that the traffic lights have been deliberately fixed by Israel in order to purposely discriminate against those driving out of Arab villages as opposed to Jewish areas.
CAMERA: Economist Demonizes Israel with Racist Traffic Light Accusation
CAMERA's refutation relies not only on trying the roads The Economist article mentions but also including information about other roads that The Economist omits.
Video: A Drive Through Jerusalem Reveals Economist, Al Jazeera Obfuscation
CAMERA has looked into the allegation, trumpeted by the Economist and Al Jazeera English, that traffic light patterns at a northern Jerusalem intersection (and elsewhere) are evidence of Israeli discrimination against Arab Jerusalemites. A March 6, 2010 article in the Economist claimed lights in Jerusalem "flick green only briefly for cars from Palestinian districts while staying green for cars from Jewish settlements for minutes," and an April 27 segment broadcast by Al Jazeera English argued the same.
As noted in CAMERA's article, "Economist Demonizes Israel with Racist Traffic Light Accusation," those news reports disingenuously twisted a universal urban frustration — traffic — to demonize the Israel.
Our video below of the not-so-mean streets of Jerusalem likewise zooms out from the Economist and Al Jazeera's distorted close up, visually revealing that in Jerusalem, traffic snares Jews and Arabs alike. Sometimes cars from Jewish neighborhoods encounter longer green lights and sometimes those from Arab neighborhoods do. Much of the time, though, they encounter at the exact same lights, waiting longer at intersections with major, modern roads while passing quickly through intersections with smaller roads.
Check out CAMERA's Economist Demonizes Israel with Racist Traffic Light Accusation for a written debunking and refutation of The Economist and Al Jazeera.
Apparently, someone at The Economist who approved their article was a little too quick to give the green light.
Technorati Tag: The Economist and Al Jazeera and Traffic Lights.

The Jews make the Arabs wait at traffic lights? How shocking!
Considering the Arabs have had the right of way of way for centuries, it galls them they have to give way now before the dhimmi Jews!
I think its high time to teach them a lesson in humility.
If being surpassed technologically, culturally and every-which-way by the West has not done so by now, nothing will.
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