Both parties are taking some steps to help create an atmosphere that is conducive to successful talks, including President Abbas’ statement that he will work against incitement of any sort and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statement that there will be no construction at the Ramat Shlomo project for two years. They are both trying to move forward in difficult circumstances and we commend them for that.Yeah, how's that going?
PA launches diplomatic intifadaThis is the Arab method of diplomatic negotiations--besides never making any concessions and constantly demanding that Israel makes concessions, Abbas sees no need to do anything differently whether talks are going on or not. Either way, if Abbas is not busy commemorating Arab terrorist attacks on civilians he is busy conducting other ways to undercut Israel.
Fatah member planned to expel Israel from UN.
...The idea of intensifying a campaign of delegitimization, leading ultimately to Israel’s UN expulsion, was unveiled on Wednesday night by Nabil Shaath, a member of the Fatah Central Committee and one of the chief architects of the Oslo Accords.
Speaking at a conference in Ramallah, Shaath said: “There is a need to create and endorse new struggling tools, such as the popular resistance, and to increase our efforts in the international arena to isolate and punish Israel, prevent it from deepening its relations with the European Union and attempt to expel it from the United Nations.”
But no, this is not incitement.
Then again, Abbas is neither a moderate nor a peace partner--so this is par for the course.
Thus there is no comment--or condemnation from the Obama administration.
Technorati Tag: Abbas and Proximity Talks and Stephen Schwebel.

I'm in favor it! Abu Bluff is finally backing something I've advocated for years. If Israel won't leave voluntarily, it needs to be pushed out!!!
No point in remaining in that den of the most vicious Jew-haters assembled in the history of mankind.
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