Iran has warned that it could send Revolutionary Guard naval units to escort humanitarian aid convoys seeking to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza – a move that would certainly be challenged by Israel.According to AFP, this is more than just a warning:
...Iran continued to exploit the "freedom flotilla" affair to lambast Israel. Its foreign minister, Manuchehr Mottaki, told the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in Jeddah on Sunday that Israel's crime was "another instance of the Zionist regime's brazen and merciless treatment of Muslims, especially the oppressed Palestinian people."
Mottaki also called for a UN resolution condemning Israel. The security council is discussing imposing new sanctions on Iran because of its failure to meet international demands over its nuclear programme.
The Iranian Red Crescent has decided to send two aid ships to Gaza this week in the latest bid to break the blockade imposed on the Palestinian territory by Iran's regional archfoe Israel.
Red Crescent director for international affairs Abdolrauf Adibzadeh told the state IRNA news agency late on Sunday that the decision to send the ships was taken after a meeting with the foreign ministry.
"One ship will carry donations made by the people and the other will carry relief workers. The ships will be sent to Gaza by end of this week," Adibzadeh said.How does one explain Iran's sudden appearance on the humanitarian aid scene? Powerline writes:
The object of the flotilla was obviously to facilitate in one way or another Iran's takeover of Gaza as a base to conduct its war against Israel. Mainstream media organizations like the AP dutifully played their accustomed role as useful idiots in playing along with the purported "humanitarian" nature of the flotilla's mission.Obviously, without any oversight or limitation on what ships are allowed to bring into Gaza, the rockets that Hamas has continued to fire into civilian areas in Israel will not only increase, but be augmented as well.
This suites Iran just fine, as they have a definite interest in seeing their Hamas puppets armed to the teeth, much as Hizbollah has been able to do.
Some have predicted another war between Israel and Hizbollah--is Iran now setting the stage for the summer confrontation?
Technorati Tag: Gaza Flotilla and Iran.

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