Hey, don't take my word for it--just ask Abbas Zaki, member of the Fatah Central Committee
'Netanyahu not a real peace partner'Of course, the fact that Abbas sees Obama as his peace partner explains alot--such as why he feels so comfortable lying to him.
Abbas: We are negotiating with the US, not Israel.
The Palestinian Authority considers the US Administration, and not Israel, as its peace partner, PA President Mahmoud Abbas was quoted as saying over the weekend.
Abbas told US special envoy George Mitchell that the Palestinians don't believe that the government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is not a real peace partner, according to Abbas Zaki, member of the Fatah Central Committee.
"President Abbas told Mitchell that the Israelis are no longer peace partners as much as the Americans are," Zaki told the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper.
Zaki added that Abbas asked Mitchell to present Washington's views about peace and not to wait for Israeli proposals.
"The Palestinian Authority is negotiating with Washington and not with Tel Aviv," he said.
Just one more example of Obama's foreign policy at work.
Technorati Tag: Abbas and Obama.

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