Over a hundred years ago, the Zionist writer Ehad Ha’am wrote that the one silver lining to the blood libel was that it provided conclusive and irrefutable evidence that it was entirely possible for the Jews to be right and the world to be wrong. He was right then, of course. And he is right now. I think it is safe to say, however, that the blood libel is no longer necessary. Hateful, demented, conspiratorial, psychotic, and outright murderous lies are being told about the Jews on a fairly regular basis nowadays, and if there is any comfort to be taken in this fact, it is not so much the certainty as the irrefutable surety that the world not only can be, but usually is wrong when the Jews are concerned.Kerstein doesn't hold back, and neither should you.
Unfortunately, last week’s incident on the high seas – in which the Israeli navy intercepted a flotilla of vessels attempting to run the blockade of Gaza, resulting in a vicious and unprovoked attack on the commandos involved by a gang of racist thugs – was not merely a case of the world being wrong. The reaction to the incident in media and political circles around the world exposed Israel’s critics, once and for all, as a sadistic, pathologically lying, morally bankrupt, and intellectually corrupted establishment whose attitude toward the Jewish state is not only unjust, but cowardly, hypocritical, racist, defamatory, delusional, inhuman, and at times simply sickeningly evil.
Indeed, the most striking thing about the reaction has been the raw volume of lies that have been spat out by ostensibly reputable journalists and politicians. Helen Thomas’s remarks in support of, effectively, ethnic cleansing are only the most succinct and straightforward version of what a great many have been saying over the last few days. And they have shown a distinct willingness to lie, falsify, and spin conspiracy theories in order to justify their debased hatreds.
...And this, my friends, is what all of this is really about. The dark truth behind all of these lies is that those who tell and repeat them desperately wish they were true. They want Israel to have massacred peaceful, non-violent activists. They want Israel to be an all powerful manipulator of reality. They want Israel to be the demonic monster they imagine it to be. Their lies and slanders; their outbursts of racism and genocidal hatred; their conspiracy theories and defamatory concoctions; their relentless, feverish, desperate refusal to accept the truth is a product of simple wishful thinking.
The question, then, is why?
Read the whole thing.
Technorati Tag: Media Bias.

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