The headline in The Telegraph is direct and to the point: Barack Obama accused of crimes against humanity for Osama bin Laden killing:
A Spanish lawyer has formally accused Barack Obama of crimes against humanity for ordering the assassination of Osama bin Laden.Regardless of what you think of Fiol's motives, I cannot help but wonder:
Daniel Fiol lodged a written complaint at the International Criminal Court accusing the US president of breaching the Geneva Convention.
Navy Seals acting on Mr Obama's orders shot the al-Qaeda leader dead on May 2 after storming his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
In his written complaint, the Majorca-based lawyer said bin Laden should have been "pursued, arrested, tried and convicted" on behalf of "the victims of some terrible and appalling atrocities". The killing of bin Laden was even worse as it took place in foreign territory, Pakistan, without the permission of that government, he said.
What is going to happen the next time Obama visits Great Britain?
Technorati Tag: Obama and International Law and Osama bin Laden.

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