Monday 25 July 2011
A recent BBC documentary on the Life of Mohammed, the Prophet of Islam, has featured a known ‘radical’ preacher, Abdur-Raheem Green.
Green, a convert to Islam, is known for appearing at campuses across the country, infamously stating that society pressures ‘our daughters to get degrees, to become doctors or engineers’
[49mins 30 seconds].
He refers to this as ‘sick’ numerous times.
[49mins 30 seconds].
He refers to this as ‘sick’ numerous times.
He has argued that men are responsible for the guidance of women and supports a husband’s ‘use of physical force’ for a ‘light beating’. The BBC have reported this themselves.
Green was presented by the BBC as a scholar and reputable source for information on the life of the Prophet; however his interpretations of Islam, and the Koran, as can be seen from his extreme views, are highly contentious.
Green has also stated that homosexuality and adultery are ‘crimes’ and that ‘slow and painful death by stoning’ is an adequate response to how ‘harmful this crime is to society’.
Green has said that ‘Islam teaches its followers to seek death on the battlefield’ and that ‘dying while fighting Jihad is one of the surest ways to paradise and Allah’s good pleasure’.
Raheem Kassam, director of the counter-extremism ‘Student Rights’ group has said, “Green has spoken on campuses across the country and has thus far made no apology for his intolerant and grossly offensive views.
“For the BBC to present this man as a reputable scholar on an extremely high profile documentary is irresponsible and lends him legitimacy that should not be afforded to those with such niche and extreme interpretations of Islam.”
More about Abdur-Raheem Green
Green is a founding member of iERA, the Islamic Education and Research Academy. Among the advisors of the this organisation are Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips andDr. Zakir Naik who are both banned from entering the UK due to controversial statements they have made.
Sheikh Haitham-Al-Haddad is also a member of advisory board. Another Individual well known for his extreme views is Hamza Andreas Tzortzis; he is described as a lecturer on the iERA website and has spoken alongside Green on many occasions.
Green on many occasions has delivered lectures form within university campuses. He has held platform at University College London, Queen Mary University, Goldsmiths University, Newcastle University and Oxford Brookes University.
More about Student Rights
Student Rights is a counter-extremism pressure group founded in 2009 to tackle radicalisation and extremism on university campuses. Led by Raheem Kassam, the organisation has over the past few years campaigned against hate preachers and amassed a database of regular events and speakers around the country.
The group were responsible for exposing the LSE-Libya connections, culminating in the resignation of Director Sir Howard Davies and have recently exposed the links between the School of Oriental and African Studies and the Saudi Arabian regime.
The group’s advisory board is made up of Members of Parliament, journalists, former government ministers and academics.
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Technorati Tag: Great Britain and BBC and Media Bias.

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