We do not know why they are imposing this siege on us
Anonymous Palestinian official--referring to Arab states
Life is difficult when you are forced to accept responsibility for your own actions.
That is why life continues to be easy for the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, who think it is their inherent right to live on handouts:
The Palestinian Authority will pay only half wages this month, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said Tuesday, the second time in three months it has taken such a step because of a financial crisis it blames on donors failing to provide promised funds.Personally, I find it kind of ironic for the Palestinian Arabs to complain about countries who fail to meet their commitments--but maybe that's just me.
Fayyad announced the half pay measure at a cabinet meeting Tuesday. The Palestinian Authority took the same measure in July. Last month it paid full salaries but said its funding crisis had not been solved.
A Palestinian official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the aid-dependent authority was facing an unprecedented financial squeeze on funding from Arab states which are failing to meet commitments to provide support.
And the fact that another Arab financial crisis comes now, just when Abbas is coming to the UN to get an endorsement for "Palestinian" statehood?
That is an irony unlikely to be mentioned.
The Reuters article closes on a possible implication of the Palestinian Authorities never-ending financial crisis:
The leadership has called for popular protests to add weight to the diplomatic initiative. However, the official suggested turnout at such demonstrations could be hurt by the financial crisis.Not that this should be a problem: the same funding by the US and Europe that goes towards paying the salaries of Arab terrorists can always be siphoned off for protests.
"People will be concerned with the financial situation," the official said.
Technorati Tag: Palestine and UN.

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