While Israel did agree to Egypt's initial request to move in troops in order to go after terrorists operating in the Sinai, the latest movement of troops and arms was done without Israel's assent, which is required according to the 1979 peace treaty.Israel tells Egypt to remove tanks from Sinai
According to a Maariv report this morning, Israel has told Egypt that it must remove its tanks from the Sinai Peninsula as their continued deployment is in contravention of the peace treaty between the two countries.
According to the report, the message was sent via the White House in an effort to give the warning extra weight, as the relationship between Israel and Egypt has been strained since the overthrow of Egypt’s former President Hosni Mubarak.
This article only mentions tanks, while there have been reports that anti-aircraft missiles had also been brought into the Sinai by Egypt.
Now it remains to be seen how Morsi will respond--and how his response will be perceived at home. There have been rumblings about the desire for Egypt to exert complete sovereignty over the Sinai, which could make any retreat from the Sinai be perceived as a defeat for Morsi.
At least that will make the Egyptian military happy.
Read: Timeline: Aftermath Of Sinai Terrorist Attack As Egypt's Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood Make Their Move
Hat tip: OC
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