If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident.The map was updated for the next 3 days, the last day apparently being September 14th, by which time the map looked something like this:
Here we are 10 days later -- have there been any riots since then?
You could be excused for thinking they did.
But Jim Geraghty writes The Islamist Protests Outside Our Embassies Aren’t Tapering Off:
Check your favorite mainstream U.S. news publications and see if they have any coverage of angry Muslim protests outside American embassies, consulates, and other institutions associated with the United States.Geraghty then lists the latest Muslim protests that have broken out over the weekend -- some of which have been peaceful, though not all:
No? If there’s no coverage, it doesn’t mean they didn’t happen:
- Greece: Approximately 1,000 rioting Muslims threw bottles and other objects at police protecting the U.S. Embassy in Athens. Greek riot police used tear gas to control the protesters in what was described as a “war zone.”
- Sri Lanka: For the second time in 4 days, on Monday police barricaded the US embassy in Colombo against an estimated 20,000 Muslim protesters taking part in what was described as an orderly and peaceful demonstration that blocked traffic for several hours.
- Philippines: Hundreds of Filipino-Muslims held a protest rally in front of the US embassy in Manila, calling for a total ban on the controversial anti-Islam film.
- Nigeria: Shi’ite Muslims in Katsina burned US, French and Israeli flags while a religious leader called for protests to continue until the makers of the film and cartoons are punished.
- Pakistan: 15 people were killed in protests on Friday, and government minister offered $100,000 to anyone who kills the maker of the video “The Innocence of Muslims”.
- Turkey: On Sunday, 200 peacefully protested, chanting: “May the hands that touch Mohammad break,”
- Indonesia: In Bali, the US Consulate was temporarily closed on Friday and extra police and military were assigned in anticipation of any possible protests.
No, those Muslim riots have not stopped at all.
The question is, why is the media not reporting on them regularly?
Better yet, do you think that if the president happened to be a Republican that maybe the media would find the wherewithal to report on those riots?
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