Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Another Bloggers' Dozen for Tuesday Morning

An assortment of posts, featuring a new mail list, what Cindy Sheehan has in common with Saddam and Barghouti, Alaa's release, a new blog listing with a twist, news that Churchill has something to fear after all, and a discussion about bloggers who turn pro...Israel.

And please keep in mind the kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad ben Aviva

And now the links:

Heichal HaNegina has started a new Modzitzer mail list on Yahoo to provide "a full range of the Torah, Negina/Music, Heritage and News of Modzitz, past and present"

Psycho Toddler writes about dealing with his professional musical career while in aveilus for his father.

WestBankBlog shares her thoughts on our attitude toward Israel's recent bad PR and the importance of seeing the bigger picture.

A Simple Jew looks into the connection between his daughters' day of birth and the 2 Luchos.

AbbaGav has thoughts about Cindy Sheehan's planned "open-ended" fast

Adloyada wonders whether bloggers campaingns helped to free blogger Alaa from an Egyptian prison.

IsraelForum.com introduces Blog Central, which not only lists your posts, but also provides feedback on each entry.

The Astute Blogger had an early post on the Al-Aksa claim to have WMD, and has some updates as well.

At Level Ground recalls that the Palestinian chemical weapon threat is nothing new. And don't forget to check out his podcasts.

The Colossus of Rhodey reports that the University of Colorado Boulder intends to fire Ward "Little Hitlers" Churchill

Soccer Dad has a post, with some insightful feedback, on the question of what Pro-Israel blogging is all about

Technorati Tag: and and and .


westbankmama said...

Thank you for the link!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed the quality of posts recently? I am more & more excited to visit a large number of blogs to read, it's very encouraging.